Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Recipe - How to Use the Secret Ingredients

I could have ... (should have ?) started this series on "Secret Ingredients" by underlining the fact that all of these secret ingredients are important.  Although you might ask, "Surely, one ingredient is more important than another?"  And, "In what proportion do I use these ingredients?"

The last question is dependent on that task at hand.  If you've ever done any baking you know that there is science behind how the ingredients interact.  And you know that if you change the proportions used in your batter then your cake could come out soupy or flat.  And you probably know that when you add a certain ingredient can also make a difference!

There's a comedian that jokes about Mexican food and the wide variety that is offered from same basic six or seven ingredients.  Some people hate burritos, but love tacos.  Same ingredients ... different proportions ... different name ... different impact on the palette.  Same ingredients, different results.

Unfortunately, unlike baking or Mexican food.  Your task or goal may not have a specific recipe.  Your life may require two parts "focus", one part "sacrifice" and a smattering of others ... today.  Tomorrow it may require two parts "sacrifice", one part "focus" and six parts "mentors".  You will have to experiment, you will make mistakes and have to start over at times and the recipe will vary depending on your goal at the time.

This brings us to "which ingredient is most important?" This one is easier to answer than you would think, regardless of the stage of life you are at or the goal that you are focused on.  The most important secret ingredient is:
              PASSION - DESIRE - YOUR WHY!

Without this ingredient none of the others matter.  Minus this ingredient you can accomplish a lot in life, but it won't be what you want to accomplish.  You will be able to collect a paycheck at a job.  Some may be lucky enough to happen upon a job that they love.  But when you set out in life you need to follow your passion and inject your passion into the things that you do.   If the things you do reject your passion then you need to find something else to do.

Think about boiling water for a minute.  The difference between hot water and boiling water is one degree!  Boiling water is two hundred and twelve (212) degrees ... hot water is two hundred and eleven (211) degrees; one degree made all the difference.  That one degree is your passion, inject it into the things you do and see the difference it makes!

I recall what Preacher Dan said one Sunday morning "Love what you do, do what you love!"  I think this was his way of saying "bring your passion" everywhere you go!

Have a great day and have a phenomenal 2016!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Twentieth of Life's Secret Ingredients (20 of 10 or more)

The twentieth and last of life's secret ingredients is:


According to Merriam-Webster one of faith's definitions is "the strong belief or trust in someone or something."  As Henry Ford put it "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right"

That "strong belief in someone" can be and should be YOU!  You must have a strong belief in yourself.  You need to have an attitude of "I can and I will" because the truth is you can and you will!

That "strong belief in something" can be and should be YOUR ABILITIES!  You must have a strong belief in your current abilities or the abilities you will soon have.  Simply because you don't have a skill or have a deficit in an area of your life today doesn't mean that that deficiency will always be there.  You must have the attitude that you can and you will have the skills and abilities you need, when you need them (and then work towards getting those skills)!

Take a minute and look back on your life and all of your triumphs.  I have no doubt that in your reflection you recalled many things that you thought were too daunting, yet you accomplished them.  They were beyond your present abilities, they were impossible ... yet you conquered them anyway!  There is your proof that you are AWESOME!  Have faith in yourself and in the person you are going to become.  Dream bigger, accept bigger challenges, because you can and you will!

                          "Without faith there is no hope." ~ Anon

Have a great day!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Nineteenth Secret Ingredient of Life (19 of 10 or more)


This is critical, nothing happens without desire.  Marketers know this which is why every effective ad ever created aroused a desire (need for their product) within you!

Napoleon Hill said that "Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything."  (See Brainy Quotes for more Napoleon Hill quotes -

If you've got the kind of desire that Mr. Hill describes there isn't anything that you can't pursue and probably achieve!  If you've got this kind of desire then many of the other of life's secret ingredients will come easier to you.

With great desire will come great achievement!

Have a great day!

Friday, December 25, 2015

The Eighteenth of Life's Secret Ingredients (18 of 10 or more)

Anger and Forgiveness.  Yes you get two for the price of one this time!  Because they go hand in hand.

You have to know that your anger doesn't necessarily hurt other people, it only holds you back.  Your anger will keep you stuck in the bitter, vengeful state that you are in.  Will you get angry, yes.  But make your anger quick and fleeting.  Don't hang on to it or harbor it ... it will hurt you and keep you from becoming the person that you want to become.

You must also realize that the key to letting go of your anger is forgiveness.  Forgiveness isn't for the person that you believed wronged you ... or in some cases is still wronging you.  Forgiveness is for you.  When you forgive others it allows you to release that anger and move on.

Be cautious though.  If you are guided by the Bible, know that it doesn't say "forgive and forget".  It does say to forgive ... but you shouldn't forget.  These are learning moments to keep us away from people that are not healthy for us to be in a relationship with; or to keep us out of dangerous situations.

Can you imagine burning your hand on a stove ... you subsequently 'forgive the stove' for burning you ... but you forget what it can do to you.  NO!  You remember and you proceed in life with caution.

Merry Christmas!  And have a great day!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Seventeenth of Life's Secret Ingredients (17 of 10 or more)

Knowledge.  Crave knowledge!

It is NOT the most critical of Life's Secret Ingredients, but it is important and it helps you to increase the number of opportunities that you will "happen upon" in life.  I of course say "happen upon" jokingly.  Expanding your knowledge (through education, independent study and experiential learning) will create these opportunities for you.  Regardless, more knowledge in the right areas will make you a better you.

Quick story:  Once I earned my masters in business I subconsciously felt that I had learned enough.   Surely twelve years of elementary education, four years of college and two years of graduate school was enough learning for one lifetime! I suppose that you can say I became arrogant, surely after eighteen years of school I learned all that I would need to in life. Turns out I was wrong about knowledge/education ... but I am right about my arrogance!

After getting my MBA I decided that I wanted to work for Ford Motor Company and while waiting to hear back from their human resources department I decided that I would work for one of their dealerships in Orlando.  I didn't realize it at the time, but this is where my education really began!  I learned a lot about people and about selling.  I learned that with as much education as I had at the time it wasn't necessarily suited for selling cars and trucks.  My sales career at that dealership spanned over five years and I was never once the salesman of the month!  All the education that I had, all that I knew (practically a super power) and in the sixty-six months of selling at that dealership I was outsold every month by people with just a high school education!

As fortune would have it I eventually got hired by Ford Motor Company and have worked for "the Fords" now for over sixteen years.  The education that I gained selling cars helped me in my first few years at Ford and I received a lot of on the job training throughout my career.  But after my first decade with Ford I woke up and realized that all of the on the job training that I was being spoon fed was only the things that they needed me to know to be a better employee.

What if I wanted to become a better me?  Where was I going to get this education and training?  As it turns out, the answer was right in front of me. Everyday I was looking at my teacher when I brushed my teeth and hair ... it was the guy in the mirror!  I was responsible for my continuing education.  If I wanted to grow and become a better me then I had to take charge.  I've been on the self-education course for more than six years now and today I feel like a better employee, a better friend and a better father than I have ever been.

There are thousands of resources and educators available, but ultimately you are responsible for your continued education.  And it will make you into a better you!

Have a great day!

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Sixteenth Secret Ingredient of Life (16 of 10 or more)

Stay active!

Stay active in the various areas of your life.  Stay active physically, mentally, spiritually. Don't quit, don't retire, keep going!  It's said that: a ship left in port will decay faster than one that is used at sea  and a house that is uninhabited will fall down sooner than an occupied one.

Don't just stay active, stretch and stress yourself.  Try to make today's workout tougher than your last.  Try to read books that challenge your mind with bigger words and bigger ideas.  Try to increase or expand your spirituality, investigate other religions/faiths.

I have heard too many stories about people who work their whole lives for a single company and then within weeks of retiring they die!  Their whole lives were dedicated to just one thing - their jobs and when that ceases to exist they cease to exist.

The variety and activity will keep you young and fresh.  It will strengthen you.  It will allow you to have a longer, happier, more productive life.

Have a great day!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Fifteenth Secret to Life (15 of 10 or more)

Be goofy, lighthearted, have fun and be able to laugh at yourself!

Don't use self-deprecating humor, don't put yourself down ... but be able to laugh at yourself when the time is right.

One day I was leaving my girlfriend's condo and walked through a spider web.  I was startled, I was flailing my arms around trying to simultaneously break free from the web and clean it from my face. No doubt I looked like an idiot to anyone who might have seen me, surely they couldn't see the spider web.  My next move?  I burst out laughing and almost fell down.

Life is short ... make it fun!  Have a great day!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Fourteenth of Life's Secret Ingredients (of 10 or more)


Budget time ...
Budget energy ...
Budget finances/money ...
Budget everything!!!

Jim Rohn says "you may not be able to do all you find out, but find out all you can do."  You won't have time or resources to do everything you want to do, but at least see what's available to you and actively make choices.  And in order to make smart choices you need to know what resources are available to you and budget them so that you can work on what is most important to you (family, vacations, business ventures, etc.)

And when budgeting, budget backwards.  Yes, budget starting from the end and work your way backwards whenever it is up to you.

For instance, when it comes to time you can take the total hours available in a day and work backwards to see what "free time" you have to work on the things that are really important to you.  Let's say you want to transform part of your backyard into a rock garden ... and you want it done before your in-laws come to town at the end of the month (because you want to show it off).  And let's say a friend of yours created a similar area in their yard and it took them a total of thirty hours to complete.  You are motivated, you want to impress the in-laws so you are confident that you can do it in twenty-four hours!

Here's what your time budget might look like:
8 Hrs. - Sleep & Hygiene
2 Hrs. - Dining (three meals, including driving to restaurants)
2 Hrs. - Commute to work
8 Hrs. - Time at work
4 Hrs. - Time to work on your rock garden each day

In just six week/work days you can transform your backyard ... without eating into your valuable weekend time!  If you budget and focus, you can complete a little bit of a major task each day and before you know it you've accomplished your goal.  How do you eat the elephant?  That's right, one bite at a time!

Or you can do what most people do (like you did when you were back in school) and crash or cram!  You can waste your whole weekend, push everything else aside, miss out on your kid's soccer game and pass out halfway to your bedroom late on Sunday night. The cool thing is that you get to choose.

Money works the same way.  You know you are going to make $X this month, you know you've got $Y in bills each month (rent, food, utilities) and you know that you should have $Z left to put towards your dreams, goals or projects.  If your $Z is zero or less each month then you have to either increase your $X or decrease your $Y.

Budget yourself a great day!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Thirteenth Secret to Life (13 of 10 or more)

FAIL! Fall down a lot!

Someone once asked me "Warren, how did you get so good at ice skating?"  My answer was 'I fell down a lot!" I wanted to skate, I wanted to be better at skating, I wanted to be able to skate well enough that I could play ice hockey with my college buddies.  So I went to the rink a lot and I fell down a lot.  Falling down taught me what didn't work; and it taught me what it meant to get up and try again.

Watching the better skaters whipping past me helped too!  It wasn't just because I could see how they were crossing over or skating backwards.  It was as much because as an eighteen year old there were six year old kids skating circles around me and helping me up when I fell.  Slightly embarrassing ... but more a boost in confidence!  If they could do it I figured I could do it.  It was inspiration.

After I was able to stand and skate forward I could have stopped trying.  But remember, my goal was to be able to play ice hockey with my friends.  This meant learning how to skate faster, skate backwards, turn and yes ... STOP!  In order to achieve my goal I only had one choice - to keep trying new things and yes, to fall down.

Had I given up, I never would have been able to play intramural hockey with my buddies.  I never would have been voted "most improved" (there was no where to go but up).  And I never would have had the career highlight in my memory of checking one of my opponents over the wall into his own bench.  It's possible that I could have scored a goal or two, but that check is what I remember most and my buddies' reactions!

So if you want to get better, keep failing, keep falling down!

Have a great day!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Twelfth Secret Ingredient to Life (of 10 or more)

Be Kind ... show kindness ... dare I say love?  Well it may not be possible to truly "love" everyone.

But be kind.

Be kind and considerate.

Be kind, considerate and thoughtful.

Be kind, considerate, thoughtful and compassionate.

But don't be a pushover. Don't walk all over other people and don't let them walk over you ... but you can still be kind.  No, you won't "love" everyone, yes some people will try to take advantage of your kindness.  Being kind doesn't mean you are foolish and being kind to people who are mean to you doesn't mean you are stupid.  It's just the best policy and it won't always be easy.

You may not know what is going on in someone else's life (they likely won't know what's going on in yours), so if they are rude, inconsiderate; or in a hurry, don't hold it against them.  Amp up the kindness!  Know that when you choose to show kindness to someone you are being a great example, you are leading.

Whenever I have my doubts about being kind in any situation I try to think about the Buddhist philosophy of karma:  intentional actions have consequences, consequences don't expire.  Or perhaps a western expression I heard my parents say will be familiar to you ... "what goes around comes around."

Have a great day!

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Eleventh of Life's Secret Ingredients (11 of 10 or more)

Choose to be HAPPY!

When you look around your immediate world you will notice that you are surrounded by people that are impacted by the same exact circumstances as you.  It's the same sunshine, the same rain; the same good economy, the same bad economy; the same stressful holidays, the same horrific news on TV, etc.

Some of the people around you may look pretty depressed and possibly angry.  Yet so many of them seem to be so very happy! (Hopefully you are one of the latter!)

Why, how or what makes these people so happy?  Are they all lottery winners?  Did someone just compliment them on their dress or hair?  Whether or not they realize it, they choose to be happy!  It can be that simple ... it is that simple, they choose to be happy!  Just like all of us, there are moments of sadness in their lives, but overall their choice is to be happy!

We all face struggles, hardships and painful moments.  These things ca bring us down and dull our shine if we let them.  Or, like the sandblasting of a cast piece of metal, these things can actually make us shine brighter!

What was for me a horrible, miserable, dark day two years ago today (the anniversary of my divorce) has actually turned out to be a reminder that I got to start again.  I got a 'do-over'!  I get to choose to move forward!  I get to choose to be happy!  Yesterday was raining ... but today the sun is shining.  Tomorrow can always be a better, happier day ... if you choose for it to be!

Have a great day!

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Tenth of Life's Secret Ingredients (10 of 10 or more)

You need mentors in your life and you need to be a mentor!

Napoleon Hill references the need to have a "mastermind alliance" to help guide you in life/business with decision making and to hold you accountable.  In your personal life you need role models or mentors as examples of who you can become.  They will be people that will push you in the direction you want to go and help you gain momentum!

A few years ago I remember Marc Miro (ex-WWF wrestler) saying to our parish one Sunday "your friends are like an elevator, they can bring you down or they can bring you up."  Make sure that you surround yourself with inspiring mentors/heroes that you would like to become like.

With that in mind, be cautious who you surround yourself with and who you look to for guidance.  Adolf Hitler was a great motivator of his people ... but so was Mahatma Gandhi!  Which one would you rather get inspiration and advice from?

You may be at a point in your life where you can be a big sister or big brother to someone.  Or you can mentor the interns at work.  Or you can mentor an older person (yes mentors can be younger than you) on how to make the most out of that smart phone in their hands.  By mentoring others you will become more of the person that you want to become.  Helping someone else doesn't just make you feel better ... it actually makes you better!

Get a mentor - Be a mentor!  Have a great day!

Friday, December 4, 2015

The Ninth of Life's Secret Ingredients (9 of 10 or more)

The ninth of Life's Secret Ingredients is perhaps the most difficult one to put into practice!  It is to:

Be accepting, open, listen ... have good ears.

You may have heard the expression "when the student is ready the teacher will appear."  I feel that the student needs to be constantly ready.  There is so much to learn from those around us!  There are examples and warnings everywhere!  And as you've probably learned already in life, people are always willing to give you their opinion ... usually unsolicited.

Their opinion is many times less opinion and more criticism, but you need to learn to take it.  That doesn't necessarily mean that you have to agree with it or change what you are doing.  Although, not all criticism is bad ... surely you've heard of constructive criticism?  Can it hurt ... yes!  Does it need to be fatal .. no!  Again, you don't have to agree with the 'teacher', but they are providing you with valuable information on how you appear (to them), how what you said came across (to them) and perhaps how silly you look in that gingham button down shirt with the white and purple striped pants (to them).

Also, the advice or criticism that they are sharing with you isn't always based in fact.  Many times it's just their belief ... like when they tell you that gingham doesn't go with stripes it is their belief ... well maybe it is a fact, no matter.  But if they tell you if you stick two screwdrivers in an electrical outlet, holding one in each hand that you will get electrocuted ... well that's probably fact.  They've likely done both of those, learn from their mistakes and your life will be better!  Get the idea?

So:  Accept the advice or criticism, process it, learn from it (choose to do what you want with it to make you a better, stronger, happier person!), then thank them and move on!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Eighth of Life's Secret Ingredients (8 of 10 or more)


Yes, it can be a dreadfully burdensome word.  Just thinking about the word "sacrifice" conjures up images of Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King ... and perhaps your mother?  All great people, all who made sacrifices for others.

However, the sacrifice that I am asking you to make is far less noble than that of the above examples ... but just as important to you.  I want you to take some time and account for how you spend your time, money and energy.  Review your relationships, diet and income.  Write down the details of the aforementioned topics and decide which you can't live without and those that you are willing to put on hold; or dare I say give up?

Pursuing your dreams and goals will require that you make some hard choices, but achieving them in an expeditious manner require that you make some sacrifices!  Depending on your goals:  that 8 hours every Saturday that you spend binge watching Dexter or Psych on Netflix - GONE!  That $10/day Starbucks habit that you've developed - GONE!  Those friends that you've had since college that seem to think that they are still in college ... well maybe not gone, but you need to limit your exposure to them.  Barbecuing, drinking and playing corn-hole every weekend with your college buddies can be switched to once a month.

Why sacrifice? It's likely that if your goal is big enough and worth it then you will need the extra resources to dedicate to achieving your goal.  And if you can't give up $10 of Starbucks a day ($2,640 per year - $10 x 22 work days x 12 months) to pursue your dream of getting a degree or buying equipment to start your own business ... well then you just don't want it bad enough.

Have a great day!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Seventh of Life's Secret Ingredients (7 of 10 or more)


Serving others ... fulfilling a need or a want.  This is something that comes with multiple rewards.  There is a tremendous feeling inside when you are able serve others.  There can also be financial rewards too.

Many of us "serve" just for the sake of giving back or contributing to our community. Such as volunteering at a soup kitchen, helping at church, raking an elderly neighbors leaves.  All of which are absolutely wonderful things.  (Remember not to expect anything in return for these)

But when you are being paid to do a job do you have the attitude of servant-hood?  Or, if you were to start a business is it only with the intent to make gobs and gobs of money?  There are many people that believe that if you are profiting from an endeavor then you couldn't possibly be serving.  I disagree ... this is when servant-hood is most important!

As proof I offer you the relate-able example of a waiter or waitress.  We've all had an experience at a restaurant where we were simply wowed by the waitstaff ... and sadly, examples of being underwhelmed also.

Waitperson #1: Has an attitude of servant-hood and wants your experience to be so memorable that you want to come back and ask for him or her.  He or she greets you promptly after being seated and discloses their top-secret name, offers up the specials of the day, takes your drink order and gives you a few minutes to look over the menu.  Upon their return with your drinks he/she asks if you are ready to order or have any questions and offers suggestions.  You order, you get your food, he/she returns periodically to make sure your drinks and other needs are taken care of.  When you are done eating he/she makes sure the table is cleared, without you feeling rushed and offers dessert ideas.  You say yes or no ... fast forward to when the bill arrives.  He/she says "my name again is and it's been my pleasure serving you today, I hope you've enjoyed your meal/experience, when you return (not if!) please ask for me I would love to wait on you again!"

Waitperson #2: Insert almost any other dining experience that you've ever had.

There is no comparison between Waitperson #1 and #2.  If the experience were the same, with the exception of the last line, you would still tip Waitperson #1 a lot more and you would definitely return to that restaurant (regardless of the food quality).  Not only did waitperson #1 give you great "service" ... they also told you that they loved "serving you".

Why not bring this attitude to everything you do?  Have a great day!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Sixth Secret Ingredient to Life (6 of 10 or more)


No matter where you are in life, no matter what has happened to you, be thankful for what you have and who you have in your life.  Be thankful for what will be coming in your life and be thankful for those who will be entering your life (you truly do have a lot to look forward to).

Unless you are that one very unfortunate person in the world that is really living in the worst circumstances (and you have a computer or smart phone, so I know you aren't that person) ... things could always be worse.  So be grateful for what you have.  Don't be envious of others and what they have.  Rather, be happy for them and if you want  to be like them then you need to study them, learn from them.

The good news is you have tomorrow, be thankful for that.  You may remember the motivational line that Apollo Creed says to Rocky Balboa in Rocky III "There is no tomorrow!"  Well it doesn't apply to us, for us there is a tomorrow!  The sun comes up every morning.  You always have a chance to begin again or continue or finish.  Be thankful that you have that.

If you don't like your present circumstances, be thankful that you have tomorrow to look forward to and tomorrow to work on becoming the person you want to become!

God wants you to have more, to do more, to be more.  Be grateful for what you have now, what you've done and be grateful for the ability to do more, to get more and to give more!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2015

The Fifth of Life's Secret Ingredients (5 of 10 or more)

Courage is the fifth of life's secret ingredients!

Courage can come out in many areas of our lives and in small amounts or great big amounts.  Your courage might appear when you are at a friend's house and you are presented with something new and different to eat.  Have you ever had frog legs? They taste like chicken ... really!  Your courage might show up when you are walking down the street and you see someone trying to snatch a woman's purse.  Have you ever jumped into action to stop a crime or save a life?

Yes, courage comes in many forms and in many sizes.  The most important courage to have though is "the courage of your convictions!"  What is meant by this as defined in

   "To have enough courage and determination to carry out one's goals."

Secret #3 (Passion) will help you find your courage and feed your courage as you pursue your dream or goal.  You must be prepared for the naysayers, for those who don't truly believe in you or your ideas.  So many people in life will hold you back because they will project their beliefs on you.  They assume that if something scares them a lot, or looks like more work than it's worth ... well, then you should be scared too, or that you won't get out of it nearly what you put into it.

      [1) don't be one of those people;  and B) ignore their fears and place your own value on your own goals]

I am not saying to be stupid about pursuing your dreams/goals.  Courage and stupidity do not have to go hand in hand!  You may not have the education or training to cure cancer, so you don't cash in your retirement accounts and open a lab in your garage.  But you can have the courage to start your own charity 5K run to raise funding and awareness for a cure, learning as you go and donating the money to a research team that you believe can move the needle.  You may not have the training to own a restaurant, so you wouldn't buy a building, lease equipment and open one tomorrow.  But you can start working in one, get the knowledge, be a student of the industry and work towards that goal.

Metaphorically, having courage will not only allow you climb mountains, it will allow you to move mountains!  Have a great day!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Fourth of Life's Secret Ingredients (4 of 10 or more)


Oh, if we only had more focus in our lives.  Can you imagine all of the things that you could accomplish in life if you had the ability to focus on one thing at a time?  Remember that big idea that you had a half dozen years ago?  The one that you started to mess around with, the one that you thought "this is it!"  But then you got distracted (lost focus) and never went back to or perhaps did, but then lost focus again.

Well, I am telling you now that focus is one of "Life's Secret Ingredients".  You don't need focus to live, but you do need focus to accomplish more or much of the things that you want to accomplish in life.

Is it easy to stay focused? No.  Is it simple to stay focused? Yes!

Staying focused on what is important to you really is simple.  All you need is a piece of paper, something to write with and about ten minutes of time (daily, at first).  Once you have all of those things together you can begin to focus.  Here are the instructions:

Step 1:  In one minute, quickly right down the things that you most want to accomplish in life
Step 2: Categorize them (health, spirituality, professionally/career, family, fun)
Step 3: Take the most important one from each category and put it on it's on piece of paper (3x5 index card is a good choice)
Step 4: Tape them to your mirror in your bathroom
Step 5: Read them out loud to yourself in the morning when you get up and at night when you go to bed
Step 6: Once you are thinking about these goals and start to focus on them you will need to spend more time planning and working towards achieving them.  Depending on your goal it could simply mean that you carve out 'real' vacation time (no phone, no email, completely disconnect).  Others might take additional planning and resources (ex. building a zero friction, zero input, continuous energy plant).  Once you are focused, staying focused will be as easy as keeping those cards posted on your mirror. While you are at it, why not make a set to keep in your planner or coat pocket?

Super Top Secret:  Write them down, do not just type them into your electronic device.  Believe it or not, the act of physically writing them on paper activates something in your mind that makes it real.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Third of Life's Secret Ingredients (3 of 10 or more)


This really should be a one word entry; as I believe everyone knows what passion is and how important it is ... hopefully? You should understand the difference that it makes in your life, as well as the lives of others ... right?  Well, just in case ...

Passion is a key ingredient of achieving your goals ... but you don't have to have goals to have a "life".  Some goal-less people meander through life and let 'it' happen to them.  I believe you should have goals and you should strive to contribute to society and to serve others ... but again these aren't requisites for living.  I believe you should be purposeful with your life and the secret ingredient called passion will give your actions magnitude!

Passion is energy, gravity, emotion and excitement!  Passion is that thing that other people can see and feel and it energizes them.  Your passion is so strong and so contagious that when others are nearby it pulls on them and they can't help but want to join you in whatever the cause or activity is.

And if your activity isn't public or others aren't close enough to feel the pull of your passion ... your passion is what will keep you going even when the going gets tough.

Bring your passion with you today and have a great day!

"Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting." ~ Napoleon Hill

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Second of Life's Secret Ingredients (2 of 10 or more)

The second of life's "Secret Ingredients" is:


What do I mean by discipline and why is it important?  To some discipline means "punishment" but that is not what I am referring.  In the realm of fulfilling your dreams or destiny discipline is defined as: having self-control that molds or perfects the mental faculties or moral character.

Jim Rohn explains in his teachings that every "discipline" effects the other disciplines.  He illustrates by saying that if you are sloppy with your accounting/budgeting then you are probably sloppy with your nutrition ... and your relationships ... and your housekeeping.

I can't say that he means there is a 100% direct correlation from one discipline/task/ability to the next or just that the confidence and habit that you develop bleeds into or influences the other areas of you life.  Either way ... he's right.

The fact is that if you can conquer health (develop a discipline of eating well) then you can conquer finances, gardening, grilling, housekeeping, etc.

Being able to exercise self-control or discipline will help you accomplish your goal and it will also prevent you from being distracted; or if you are distracted it will help you refocus and get back on track towards your goal.

Have a great day!

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment" ~ Jim Rohn

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The First of Life's Secret Ingredients (1 of 10 or more)

Having the secret ingredients in your hands is like being the keeper of the holy grail.  All you need to overcome any of life's hurdles is the "secret ingredients."

You toil and you struggle, you step back and you stare at your problem until your eyes go crossed ... and then suddenly someone walks by and hands you the secret ingredient and "BAM!"  ... problem solved, mission accomplished, game over!

Yes, that does happen with some of life's challenges.  And usually the person that walked by and handed you the secret ingredient only possessed that "secret" because they had to overcome that same problem the week before or  last year and kept it in their "secret ingredient fanny-pack" for future use.

But, why were you still there working on your problem when that kind person walked by and handed you their secret ingredient?  It's because [ALERT - SECRET INGREDIENT #1] you had DETERMINATION.  Yes it's an oldie, but a goody!  Determination is a secret ingredient and it is required to solve many of life's harder puzzles and to jump life's highest hurdles.  It's also what my dad use to call "sticktoitiveness" (pretty sure it's not a real world, but I'll hashtag it at the bottom of this blog anyway).

Determination is NOT required for easy challenges or ones with tiny rewards, although it won't hurt.  But if you are interested in the bigger challenges (like slaying dragons or curing cancer) and bigger rewards in life (like making children laugh or curing cancer) then determination will come in handy.

** CAUTION ** Determination isn't the only secret ingredient.  It is an important one, but without the others you can be blinded by your determination and will set yourself up for a life of misery.  Picture yourself being trapped in a cave due to a rock slide and you have to dig out with the only thing you brought with you spelunking ... a wooden spoon (Really? This is what you brought?).  All the determination in the world won't keep that wooden spoon from being whittled away by the first rock you attack.  Officially stuck.

There's a happy thought to leave you on ... Have a great day!

  1. DETERMINATION (#sticktoitiveness)
  4. ...

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Change your shoes!

Walk a mile in someone else's shoes ... yes, for sure!  It's important to see their perspective and to know why they are doing the things they are doing and making the decisions they are making.  In my business I am reminded of this every single day.  People evolve into who they are and their habits/actions have evolved right along with them.  So yes, walk a mile in someone else's shoes before you judge them or offer them advice.

But ... and it's a BIG BUT ... you can and perhaps should change your shoes.  For the most part you picked them!  Just because you are where you are and you are who you are, doesn't mean that you always have to be that way!  Today you can say "I am {insert career or personality} ... and today you can also choose to say "Tomorrow I will be {insert who you want to become}" by "reading this book  ... attending this class ... connecting with this person ... going to this seminar ..."  If you take a look in the proverbial mirror and don't like who you are then you need to shop for some new shoes!  Walk a mile in some different shoes and become who you want to become!

Here are two examples of life's path for two separate individuals:

Hypothetical example number one (but if I spent ten minutes searching the internet I could probably find ten 'real life' examples):

   A child grows up in poverty, is a minority, struggles with sickness and dyslexia throughout his school years ... yet grows up to be someone very special and influential! How does that happen?

Hypothetical example number two (don't have to research this, it's all around me):
   A child grows up in the majority, with common beliefs, common philosophies, gets average grades, goes to an average college, apparently has average dreams and (go figure) ends up pretty average.  How does that happen?

Someone changed their shoes while they were growing up.  They took off their loafers and put on some hiking boots and started to climb!  It was probably a choice that their friends ridiculed them for.  They were probably told "you'll never make it."  But they no doubt said to themselves "I surely won't make it if I don't try!"

Here's one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite bands that I've been dying to use in one of my blogs and I'm squeezing it in here (I think it's appropriate):
            "She never had dreams ... so they never came true." J. Geils Band from "Angel in Blue"

Have a great day!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Land of a thousand excuses!

I woke up this morning and starting thinking about all of the things that I have yet to accomplish.  I don't recommend you do this ... it can get quite depressing!

Then, in an effort to make me feel less depressed, I started thinking about all of the reasons why I haven't done all of the things that I wanted to do. It wasn't long before I realized that my reasons weren't reasons, they were merely excuses.

An example of a good reason for not being able to start a project or complete a task would be:         
"I was on my way to the post office, minding my own business, focused on getting the check mailed, whistling "Try" by Colbie Caillat when all of a sudden a piano fell from a 6th floor window and incapacitated me for a month.  That's why the check didn't get to the power company."

Nowadays, thanks to electronic bill paying, that's really not a good reason either.

"What are some lame excuses that I thought were reasons?" you ask.  Well I am so glad you asked:
  • "I didn't get the leaves raked up because winter came too fast"
  • "I wanted to work out, but these other things had to get done and then I was too tired"
  • "I was going to start writing, but I didn't have the time ... or the energy ... or the inspiration ... or didn't think it would get published so I never started it."
  • "I was about to, but then it was time to watch: Real Housewives, Honey Boo Boo, Survivor, reruns of Seinfeld, something that I DVR'd last month, etc."
  • "I didn't know how." <=== the lamest excuse of all, yes it tops the previous bullet point!
The reason that none of the above got done was because you (or I) didn't place enough importance on them!  Was watching a Seinfeld rerun really more important that taking that first step towards your dream? Sometimes there are legitimate reasons why you can't do something at this moment, but if it is truly important to you (meaning your passion for that "it"bubbles through your ears) you will find a way to get it done!
Have a great day!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

What happens in a vacuum.

I was listening to a book on tape (CD) the other day that was discussing calmness, peaceful attitudes and the laws of nature (a.k.a. Karma).  The book was "The Majesty of Calmness" written by William George Jordan.  His book was first published around 1900 and I in my opinion is even more relevant today.  There is so much coming at us and from all directions these days that it is easy for one to become distracted ... if not misguided.

Today's society no longer seems to place any degree of value on privacy.  We are posting our entire lives online for everyone to see and we crave a bigger and bigger audience each day.  Have you ever posted something that you just thought was adorable, but you got mad when you only had 37 likes and 2 comments?  "The nerve of that Mary Catherine ... I liked and commented on the picture of her golden doodle eating her famous bundt cake off the kitchen table ... and she couldn't even like the video of my little Sniffles chasing the laser light!  I might need to unfriend her!"

Everything from this morning's breakfast to their kids sleeping to who they are hating on.  By the way, your breakfast looks great, your kids are adorable and I'm sure you don't hate me ... but I'm curious who that "mean" person was?

In any case, as I was driving and absorbing Mr. Jordan's wisdom I began thinking about things that I say and do, things that I see and hear and things that others are saying, doing and POSTING for everyone in the world to see and/or hear.  And I realize that life doesn't happen in a vacuum!  Please think twice, maybe three times before you post the "hater" message.  Proof read your text messages and emails.  Read them out loud to yourself.  Have a trusted and respected friend review it before you click send or post.  Spelling and grammar should be easy for the app or software to check for you ... but I haven't found the 'meaning' or 'intent' button.  It use to be that if words came out of your mouth ... you couldn't take them back; and if you mailed that letter with your "feelings" to a relative or ex-boyfriend ... you couldn't get it back.  Now it's the aforementioned and if you: email it; post it; text it; snap chat it; Instagram it; ... you can't get it back.  Mr. Jordan discusses the need for calmness as a self-preservation tool because the law of nature or karma will see to it that the score is evened.

Mr. Jordan tells a story of a ferocious eagle swooping down from the blue sky to attack a heron.  The mighty eagle is sure to be the victor as it is diving with ever increasing speed the helpless heron  However, before the eagle can adjust the heron turns it's pointed and long beak at it's predator and turns the eagle into prey.

If your intent is to "slay" someone one or publicly shame them think twice about what you are posting, what you are saying about the other person (albeit anonymously) and think about what you are saying about your character.  Besides in the land of "I have a thousand friends" ... how many are really your friends and how many "friends" does the other person have?  You might think you are the eagle ... but remember, it doesn't always end well for the eagle.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Life is too short, live happy!

It use to be that if I met someone who seemed perpetually and unnecessarily happy I would dislike them.  They wouldn't have known how I felt, I am pretty sure that I hid my disdain well.  But, I never thought to ask them "hey, why are you so happy and smiling all the time?"

Looking back I would say that I was envious.  I'm sure that I didn't ask the "why" question because I was certain that they were faking it.  Regardless of their response, I was perfectly comfortable with my fleeting moments of happiness that were thrust upon me by some late night show or comedy hour.  There was no need for me to change my disposition! 

Perhaps I was afraid of their answers ... What if being happy all the time was a lot of work?  What if their prescription had been to watch three hours of Seinfeld each day and read the Sunday comics from every national newspaper by noon on Sunday?  Would I have put that kind of effort in?  Or worse, what if their responses were something like "I don't know, it sure beats being sad all the time!"  Or "I'm just happy to be alive!" ICK!

Fast forward many, many years ... and I now realize how easy it is to be happy!  It's not a lot of work, but it does take focus. There aren't long hours at the gym, or late nights at the library reading "Comedy for Dummies".  It's really as simple as choosing.  Yes, being happy is a choice!

There are a lot of bad things in the world (earthquakes, wars, famine, etc); and many people (like the old me) that either wonder why or will purposely try to derail your happiness.  And there are a lot of good things in the world (waterfalls, national parks, puppies, rainbows, etc) and good people (neighbors who help you clean up after a storm).  This is where the focus comes in: focus on the good, be thankful for what you have and try to serve others whenever possible.  Don't watch the news, Jerry Springer or Judge Judy.  Fill your mind with things like rainbows, puppies, waterfalls ... and yes, why not unicorns too?  Life is too short, live happy!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Be careful what you reach for ...

Be careful what you reach for ... it may not be what you really want!

Hypothetically speaking ... I might have woken up late one morning needing to rush to make it to my first meeting of the day.  Deciding that 'time was of the essence', I may have decided to skip the shower, skip the coffee and even skip turning on the lights.  All that would have just slowed me down and besides I could get coffee at the Fivebucks drive-thru on the way to work!

While hastily (and hypothetically) pulling myself together I reached into my cabinet for the mouthwash and what I was certain was AXE body spray, gargled and applied the AXE liberally.  Having no time to put anything away I left everything strewn about the counter as I rushed for the door. 

Miracle of miracles, I made my meeting on time!  It was truly a blessed day!

Later that day I came home, desperately needing a shower and remembering that I had a mess to clean up in the bathroom too.   When I left in the morning I was in such a rush that I hadn't even capped the gargle or spray. How lucky I was that the cat hadn't jumped up on the counter and knocked anything over in my absence.  I proceeded to put the cap on the mouthwash and tuck it in the cabinet, next up was the anit-fungal spray ... WHAT!?  Yes, I had not grabbed the AXE! I had walked around all day with a very liberal amount of anti-fungal spray all over me (hypothetically speaking, of course).

Whether it is a can of AXE or a life long goal.  Make sure that you set your eyes on it, know what you want and try to see it "in the "light of day".  Make sure that it is really the "object of your desire".  Having and attaining the wrong goal will not make you feel successful; it can actually make you feel disappointed, tired and smelly ... but hopefully fungus free.

Have a fantastic day!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

I wish I had read this when I was eighteen!

Oh if only I had read this book when I was thirty!  Oh man, what if I had read it when I was twenty-five ... or even eighteen!  Why did I have to wait until I was forty-six years young to read it?  Maybe because it wasn't published yet?  Perhaps because "the student wasn't ready"?  But what an incredible, life changing, goal increasing, potential maximizing book it is!

Hopefully at this point you are saying in your head (not out-loud, people will stare) "Just tell me the name of the darn book Tubby!"  Well, here it is ... "The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy.  You really do need to read this book.  It is an easy read and the concept is so simple anyone can understand it.  Unfortunately, most people won't put it into practice.  But what other people do or don't do doesn't matter to you ... only what you do matters.

It really is a simple concept and applicable in all parts of your personal and professional life.  You have unlimited choices and imagination ... but you have limited time.  The weird thing is we each have the same day in front of us: 24 hours = 1,440 minutes; and the same year: 365 days = 525,600 minutes!  But what each of us does with this time is vastly different.  Some of us will choose to watch TV ... others will read an educational book (sorry Daniel Steel, Sidney Sheldon, etc.).  Some of us will choose to sit at a bar stool and have another beer ... but others will go for a walk or a run.  I understand that you have to have balance in your life, variety is great ... but consuming only junk food and junk novels will make for a junky life!

So you are thinking "okay, okay Tubby ... but where does the 'compound effect' come in?"  Well, each of your actions builds off the last action, those actions can make you stronger, smarter ... yes EVEN SEXIER! (Maybe).  Here are two analogies to help you understand the compound effect:
  1. Bank Account: You put money in (say $1000; which is on loan to the bank); they agree to pay you interest (let's say 12% annually).  At the start of the second month your balance is the total of the original deposit ($1,000) and the interest (12%/12 months X $1000 = $10).  Your balance has grown to $1,010 in just one month!  The bank also agrees to pay you interest on your balance which now includes the interest they just paid to you ... hence "Compound Interest".  Over the course of 12 months (assuming you don't add any more of your own money) your balance becomes: $1,127.  You might have done the math in your head and calculated a balance of $1,120.  But through the magic of the compound effect you end up with more that what you are expecting!  Over forty years, that $1,000 becomes $93,000!
  2. In my profession we actual sell time.  And time, unlike money can't be saved and used tomorrow. If you don't sell an available hour today - POOF! IT'S GONE!  Let's say I am trying to sell an eight hour workday for $100 per hour.  If I sell all eight hours the revenue will be $800!  But if I only sell four then my revenue is only $400.  Some people might think 'well you can just sell more tomorrow!'   NO!  I've only got eight hours to sell tomorrow too, but to get even I need to sell twelve!  Over the course of a year I have the ability to sell $200,000 worth of time (2,040 work hours x $800).  But if I don't take my available time seriously and only sell half my time then I will only sell $100,000 per year.  Over a forty year career that is a $4 MILLION DOLLAR mistake!  (Put that extra $100,000 per year into the savings account in the previous example and you have an $80 MILLION MISTAKE!)

As Darren says in his book "there is one thing that 99 percent of 'failures' and 'successes' have in common -- they all hate doing the same things.  The difference is 'successful' people do them anyway."  Please read his book, apply the philosophy to a little corner of your life and see how you can have a positive compound effect on your future!    As Lao Tzu said "the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step"; take that step today, begin your journey!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

What others see ...

Have you ever noticed that what others see in us is usually not what we see in ourselves?

How many times have you had a friend or co-worker say to you "You are such a caring person." or "You have such a big heart."?  Perhaps a classmate or colleague has said to you "You are so smart!"  Ironically these comments usually come when you aren't feeling so generous or so smart.

Have you ever completed a personal assessment or performance review simultaneously with, but separate from, your supervisor?  Afterwards, when you and your supervisor compared the two assessments how much higher did he/she (the person that approves or signs your paycheck) rate you than you rated yourself?  Isn't it odd that he/she has more confidence in your abilities than you do?

Stop focusing on what you feel are deficiencies in your education or talents.  Feelings are just EMOTIONS that aren't necessarily based in FACT!  Don't get me wrong, feelings are real ... but they can be wrong.  Anything that you believe in is real to you ... it just may not be true.

Rather, focus on the greatness that others see in you!  Don't get cocky or arrogant, just know that there are things that you are great at and others admire you for those things!  There's always room to improve.  No one is perfect.  Invest time in strengthening other areas of your life and know that if you can be great at one or two things you can be great at three, four, five, ...!


Wednesday, September 16, 2015


 So many people feel like they are "stuck" and in so many ways:
  • Stuck in a job or career
  • Stuck in a relationship
  • Stuck in debt
  • Stuck in bad health
  • Etc.

You are not stuck!  You are where you are because of the choices you have made and continue to make.  It is entirely your decision on whether or not you are the same person five days or five years from now!

Make a decision, set a goal and then reach your hand out for help!  There are people around you with life experiences and knowledge that they are just dying to share with you.  Your local library has FREE books for you to gain inspiration and to educate yourself.  Your friends and neighbors have had careers and experiences that will inspire you.  They may even have contacts in the exact field that you are looking to enter!

Open your eyes and look around for your inspiration ... then look inside you for your motivation!  Find your "WHY?"!  The inspiration gets you going, the "WHY?" will keep you going.  And be ready for sacrifices.  You may have to give up your time (a.k.a. invest your time) or skip a Fivebucks Latte or lose a friend that really isn't a friend.  If you know your "WHY?" they won't seem like sacrifices at all!  Get unstuck, call today ... operators are standing by and shipping is FREE (just kidding)!

             “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go;
        they merely determine where you start.” – Nido Qubein

                                                           HAVE A GREAT DAY!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Two Lists

I've been blessed with inspiring thoughts and ideas from many different directions and resources.  Two of the resources that I have learned the most from over the years are my mentors Jim Rohn and Zig Ziglar.  Unfortunately, I've never met either man and both have since passed away.  Fortunately for all of us their works and philosophies are well documented and readily available.

As I was pressure washing my driveway the other day I was thinking about these gentleman and how much they help me to accomplish and appreciate each day.  The great thing about pressure washing is that it's a chore that is very loud, dirty and dangerous.  So no one comes near you or interrupts you; plus, it takes a long time ... seemingly forever.  In other words, I had plenty of alone time with nothing to do but think.

I can't recall if both Rohn and Ziglar believed in having both of the lists that I mention below.  Although I don't believe it matters much, as I will give them each credit for the two lists.  In the end, I think they would both agree on the "two list" philosophy anyway.

The two list philosophy:  Each night before you retire make a list of all that you are thankful for that day (what you got from the day) and make a second list of all that you want to accomplish the next day.  The lists can be very short, but I think you will find that as time goes on your lists will naturally become longer.  These lists can be mental, but writing them down will have more staying power.  You could also do both of them in the morning or one at night and one in the morning.  Personally, I prefer the night time.

The lists in a little more detail:

List One:  This list should consist of the things that you are grateful for that happened to you that day - your blessings if you will.   They can include the sights that you saw, the people that you met, the people that helped you, the people you were able to help, your paycheck, your car, your children, your parents, your spouse or significant other, etc.  If you saw a magnificent three hundred year old Live Oak tree or went to the beach and saw the most amazing sunrise or sunset capture it on your list!  If you struggle to start your list begin with the fact that you are alive and still breathing, add to it the gratefulness you will have for the next day's sunrise that will bring more breathes and more opportunities!

List Two:  This is not simply a "to do" list.  It's a list that you construct before you go to bed at night that supports not only the things that you want to accomplish the next day ... but also supports your long term goals/dreams.  It's more of a "to goal" list than a "to do" list.  You are writing out tasks that should bring you one step closer to a longer term goal that you have.  For instance, if you want to be a novelist you might have a goal to write one chapter or one page of your book the next day.  Of course you can list out other things that you are going to do the next day, but at least a few of the items on your "to goal" list need to be oriented towards your dreams/goal.  Your list can't be solely oriented on taking out the trash or changing the kitty litter. Your list must include the things in life that give you purpose and satisfy your soul.  And as necessary as changing the kitty litter may be ... it will never be said to have satisfied your soul!

Save your lists and add to them and edit them the next evening.  You can be thankful for oxygen and the forthcoming sunrise every day, but make sure that you are adding to this list of gratuities.  And when you are accomplishing things on your "to goal" list simply strike through the items with a single line, don't completely scratch these items out.  You want to make sure that you can look back and reminisce about all the things that you did that helped you accomplish your long term goals.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Two of life's most important words - delayed and gratification!

Delayed and gratification are two very important words that many people don't seem to care for much these days.  The actual disdain for these words is evident when you put them together and say them out loud.  Go ahead, go stand in front of a mirror and watch your face as you say "delayed gratification" ICK!.

To many of us, it's a most awful and evil expression.  It's a declaration that gives permission to toil today, but to not see the results for days, dare I say ... months! GASP!

Why on earth would anyone want to put off until later the satisfaction of a desire that they could have today?  Most people don't want to, nor do they need to put it off.  In this day and age of instant: messaging; credit; wait loss; oil changes; and successes ... why should you have to wait for anything?  People are screaming from the rooftops "I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW!"

Why should you wait?  Well ... simply put "anything worth having, is worth waiting for."  It's an expression from a bygone age, but it's just as true now as it ever was.  The competition for your hard earned instant credit is fierce, which is actually to your advantage, if you can manage to slow down, take a breathe and think before you buy or do anything.  The maker of every product on every shelf is trying to figure out a way to get you to buy their product first and frequently!  And it's to their advantage if you don't do to much thinking before you buy!

Eventually though you will run out of cash, credit, time and/or health. And the very next day an opportunity comes up that would be the experience of a lifetime ... but you can't take advantage of it.  You are about to miss out on the ultimate vacation with friends or family because you've used all your sick days at work and you've maxed out your credit cards buying $5 lattes, $400 handbags and a variety of gemstone collars for your tabby (she just had to have it ... Meow!).

You have permission to delay gratification, like fine wine, many opportunities will be better in a few days ... or months!  YEA!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Dreams do come true, if ...

Robert Collier said "Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself."

When I was a boy I had many dreams.  I dreamed of:

  • Being an astronaut
  • Being President of the US someday
  • Being a heavy equipment operator (except when i was a kid i called it "the bulldozer driver" ... and I wanted this more than those first two)
  • Owning my own NHL hockey team
  • Meeting my 'dream' girl
  • Getting married
  • Having kids
  • Going to college
  • Going to college again to get my MBA
  • Working for Ford Motor Company designing cars (crazy idea since I can barely make stick figures)
  • Having a great house (white picket fence was optional) in a great neighborhood
  • etc.
Which of these dreams actually came true?  Believe it or not, most of them.  They didn't always "appear" when I imagined they would ... but somehow, all the things that are truly important to me are now in my life.  There is no doubt that I had many more "dreams" that never came true, but I hardly remember those.  Which probably means that either I didn't really want them or I didn't believe in myself enough to pursue them, maybe both.  Either way I haven't been to the moon yet and no one has voted for me for since I wrote my name on a city council ballot back in 2008. 

I've heard varying schools of belief when it comes to turning dreams into reality.  But near as I can deduce,  the commonality is that you have to believe that it is possible for it to come true.  This may very well be the key to life, happiness and success - belief.  So believe in the worthiness of your dreams and in your ability to achieve them.

I still patiently await the day that I will sit atop that giant Caterpillar earth mover ... I know it's coming!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

You can never disappoint me ... if ...

You can never disappoint me ... if you always try your best,
        (Apply your skills)
You can never disappoint me ... if you always bring your passion to your projects,
        (Use your energy)
You can never disappoint me ... if you always keep learning,
        (Grow your brain)
You can never disappoint me ... if you always find a way to serve others,
        (Grow your heart)
You can never disappoint me ... if you have the courage of your convictions,
        (Be brave and strong)
You can never disappoint me ... if you have the discipline to do what you know needs to be done,
        (Work hard on the right things)
You can never disappoint me ... if you love others at least as much as you've been loved! 
        (Share your true wealth)

Someday I hope to share the above statements with my children.  I'm sure that they need reinforcement and while they don't show it ... my approval too.  My extended family and friends may even appreciate the above, why not be candid with them and let them know how I feel? After all, who isn't seeking the approval of others?  Who doesn't want to know what your expectations of them are?  

And today, I am sharing the above statement with my toughest critic ... Me!  I'm being honest with myself, I'm challenging myself, I'm setting expectations for myself!

Have a great day!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Where there's a will, there's a way!

Have you ever heard the expression "Where there's a will, there's a way!"?  I have ... dozens, if not hundreds of times.  It's a true statement, but how strong of a statement is it?

No doubt that there is always 'a way'.  But there is not always the willingness ('will') to do what you or your team wants to get done.  Your will is something you choose, but to me it's a weak word, without much commitment.  Another, stronger word for will/willingness is DESIRE.  This is a word that I favor over will.  It has determination and fortitude built into it!

Change the statement to read "Where there's a DESIRE, there's a way!"  And now you have a statement that says "you're not going to give up so easily" (a.k.a. 'if at first you don't succeed ... try, try again!"); "this is important to me"!

Now change the statement to read "Where there's a PERMANENT, BURNING DESIRE, there's a way!"  WOW!  That's saying something.  The choice is yours:  you can have a will; or, you can have a PERMANENT, BURNING DESIRE.  You get to choose.  YES!  YOU GET TO CHOOSE!

You can't apply that kind of passion to everything you do at all times.  You would be completely drained and may not enjoy life so much.  But for your most important projects or goals it's a must.  You need to have a permanent, burning desire!  Now focus on what is most important to you and do it!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

So you made a bad shot ... now what?

The other day I was listening to a story being told by that great orator Zig Ziglar.  And, as they usually do, this story stuck with me.  Actually, it did more than stick with me ... it inspired me to blog about it!

In brief, the story is about a golfer who is teeing off and happens to be staring at a sixty yard wide (that's one hundred and eighty feet) fairway.  That seems pretty wide ... yet his or her shot goes into the woods.  Once in the woods and standing over the ball the golfer sees two options.  He/she can punch it out onto the fairway very easily and use a stroke, but get a great lie.  Or the golfer can try and punch it through a three foot wide gap that, if hit hard enough, will land the ball on the green.

Forget about having a "Tiger" or "Jack" moment.  What does the smart golfer do?  What does the golfer with average skill do?  What does the golfer who is good at making bad decisions do?

As Zig said "Don't follow a bad shot with a bad decision."  When you find that your actions or decisions have landed you in a tough spot, stop and think about what your next smart step should be!  And if you don't know, seek advice.  On every hole of every round Tiger Woods has a caddy standing right next to him at the ready with his best advice.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Does quality matter or is 'good enough' good enough?

Does quality really matter?  There’s an expression that I learned from my father and it is “good enough.”  I would venture to say that I have used this expression more than a thousand times in my life.  Until recently, I hadn’t given it much thought.

But is ‘good enough’ really good enough?  It sure sounds like you’re settling when you say “good enough.”  And the truth is you are!

There are times when good enough really is good enough.  Let’s say it’s the weekend and you find a leak in your bathroom.  Fortunately you had supplies on hand to stop the leak until you could hire a pro to fix the leak.  What if you are a student and the deadline for a paper sneaks up on you?  You know you need at least five hundred words and the topic has to be the French Revolution.  You crash on the paper until the wee hours of the night so that you can turn in a paper and not get a zero.  Good enough is good enough.  Or perhaps like me you are not a groundskeeper or a carpenter, but your son or daughter wants a pitcher’s mound.  You build it in your backyard, it’s not perfect, but it is good enough (for now).

What if you are launching a product or service?  Does ‘good enough’ apply in these forays?  Go ahead; think on it for a while.  Obviously you have to wait to launch until you’ve perfected your ‘thing’, right?  Otherwise your customers will hate you and never buy your product.  No!  Good enough is ‘good enough’ here too.  You want your product to be great and for your customers to love it … but if you wait until it is perfect you will never launch. 

After you launch you will get plenty of feedback on the features or additional items that the customers would love to see.  They will help you create “Good Enough V2.0”.  Yes quality matters, but no you can’t wait until a product or service is perfect because it will never be perfect.  You can’t have your product exploding (unless your product is dynamite) or causing harm to its users.  There will be a new material, process or craving that the customer has every tomorrow.  The world is evolving around us; if you wait to launch you will never launch.   Sometimes “good enough” really is “good enough.”