Wednesday, September 16, 2015


 So many people feel like they are "stuck" and in so many ways:
  • Stuck in a job or career
  • Stuck in a relationship
  • Stuck in debt
  • Stuck in bad health
  • Etc.

You are not stuck!  You are where you are because of the choices you have made and continue to make.  It is entirely your decision on whether or not you are the same person five days or five years from now!

Make a decision, set a goal and then reach your hand out for help!  There are people around you with life experiences and knowledge that they are just dying to share with you.  Your local library has FREE books for you to gain inspiration and to educate yourself.  Your friends and neighbors have had careers and experiences that will inspire you.  They may even have contacts in the exact field that you are looking to enter!

Open your eyes and look around for your inspiration ... then look inside you for your motivation!  Find your "WHY?"!  The inspiration gets you going, the "WHY?" will keep you going.  And be ready for sacrifices.  You may have to give up your time (a.k.a. invest your time) or skip a Fivebucks Latte or lose a friend that really isn't a friend.  If you know your "WHY?" they won't seem like sacrifices at all!  Get unstuck, call today ... operators are standing by and shipping is FREE (just kidding)!

             “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go;
        they merely determine where you start.” – Nido Qubein

                                                           HAVE A GREAT DAY!

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