Thursday, September 3, 2015

Two of life's most important words - delayed and gratification!

Delayed and gratification are two very important words that many people don't seem to care for much these days.  The actual disdain for these words is evident when you put them together and say them out loud.  Go ahead, go stand in front of a mirror and watch your face as you say "delayed gratification" ICK!.

To many of us, it's a most awful and evil expression.  It's a declaration that gives permission to toil today, but to not see the results for days, dare I say ... months! GASP!

Why on earth would anyone want to put off until later the satisfaction of a desire that they could have today?  Most people don't want to, nor do they need to put it off.  In this day and age of instant: messaging; credit; wait loss; oil changes; and successes ... why should you have to wait for anything?  People are screaming from the rooftops "I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW!"

Why should you wait?  Well ... simply put "anything worth having, is worth waiting for."  It's an expression from a bygone age, but it's just as true now as it ever was.  The competition for your hard earned instant credit is fierce, which is actually to your advantage, if you can manage to slow down, take a breathe and think before you buy or do anything.  The maker of every product on every shelf is trying to figure out a way to get you to buy their product first and frequently!  And it's to their advantage if you don't do to much thinking before you buy!

Eventually though you will run out of cash, credit, time and/or health. And the very next day an opportunity comes up that would be the experience of a lifetime ... but you can't take advantage of it.  You are about to miss out on the ultimate vacation with friends or family because you've used all your sick days at work and you've maxed out your credit cards buying $5 lattes, $400 handbags and a variety of gemstone collars for your tabby (she just had to have it ... Meow!).

You have permission to delay gratification, like fine wine, many opportunities will be better in a few days ... or months!  YEA!

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