Saturday, October 10, 2015

Be careful what you reach for ...

Be careful what you reach for ... it may not be what you really want!

Hypothetically speaking ... I might have woken up late one morning needing to rush to make it to my first meeting of the day.  Deciding that 'time was of the essence', I may have decided to skip the shower, skip the coffee and even skip turning on the lights.  All that would have just slowed me down and besides I could get coffee at the Fivebucks drive-thru on the way to work!

While hastily (and hypothetically) pulling myself together I reached into my cabinet for the mouthwash and what I was certain was AXE body spray, gargled and applied the AXE liberally.  Having no time to put anything away I left everything strewn about the counter as I rushed for the door. 

Miracle of miracles, I made my meeting on time!  It was truly a blessed day!

Later that day I came home, desperately needing a shower and remembering that I had a mess to clean up in the bathroom too.   When I left in the morning I was in such a rush that I hadn't even capped the gargle or spray. How lucky I was that the cat hadn't jumped up on the counter and knocked anything over in my absence.  I proceeded to put the cap on the mouthwash and tuck it in the cabinet, next up was the anit-fungal spray ... WHAT!?  Yes, I had not grabbed the AXE! I had walked around all day with a very liberal amount of anti-fungal spray all over me (hypothetically speaking, of course).

Whether it is a can of AXE or a life long goal.  Make sure that you set your eyes on it, know what you want and try to see it "in the "light of day".  Make sure that it is really the "object of your desire".  Having and attaining the wrong goal will not make you feel successful; it can actually make you feel disappointed, tired and smelly ... but hopefully fungus free.

Have a fantastic day!

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