Monday, September 7, 2015

Two Lists

I've been blessed with inspiring thoughts and ideas from many different directions and resources.  Two of the resources that I have learned the most from over the years are my mentors Jim Rohn and Zig Ziglar.  Unfortunately, I've never met either man and both have since passed away.  Fortunately for all of us their works and philosophies are well documented and readily available.

As I was pressure washing my driveway the other day I was thinking about these gentleman and how much they help me to accomplish and appreciate each day.  The great thing about pressure washing is that it's a chore that is very loud, dirty and dangerous.  So no one comes near you or interrupts you; plus, it takes a long time ... seemingly forever.  In other words, I had plenty of alone time with nothing to do but think.

I can't recall if both Rohn and Ziglar believed in having both of the lists that I mention below.  Although I don't believe it matters much, as I will give them each credit for the two lists.  In the end, I think they would both agree on the "two list" philosophy anyway.

The two list philosophy:  Each night before you retire make a list of all that you are thankful for that day (what you got from the day) and make a second list of all that you want to accomplish the next day.  The lists can be very short, but I think you will find that as time goes on your lists will naturally become longer.  These lists can be mental, but writing them down will have more staying power.  You could also do both of them in the morning or one at night and one in the morning.  Personally, I prefer the night time.

The lists in a little more detail:

List One:  This list should consist of the things that you are grateful for that happened to you that day - your blessings if you will.   They can include the sights that you saw, the people that you met, the people that helped you, the people you were able to help, your paycheck, your car, your children, your parents, your spouse or significant other, etc.  If you saw a magnificent three hundred year old Live Oak tree or went to the beach and saw the most amazing sunrise or sunset capture it on your list!  If you struggle to start your list begin with the fact that you are alive and still breathing, add to it the gratefulness you will have for the next day's sunrise that will bring more breathes and more opportunities!

List Two:  This is not simply a "to do" list.  It's a list that you construct before you go to bed at night that supports not only the things that you want to accomplish the next day ... but also supports your long term goals/dreams.  It's more of a "to goal" list than a "to do" list.  You are writing out tasks that should bring you one step closer to a longer term goal that you have.  For instance, if you want to be a novelist you might have a goal to write one chapter or one page of your book the next day.  Of course you can list out other things that you are going to do the next day, but at least a few of the items on your "to goal" list need to be oriented towards your dreams/goal.  Your list can't be solely oriented on taking out the trash or changing the kitty litter. Your list must include the things in life that give you purpose and satisfy your soul.  And as necessary as changing the kitty litter may be ... it will never be said to have satisfied your soul!

Save your lists and add to them and edit them the next evening.  You can be thankful for oxygen and the forthcoming sunrise every day, but make sure that you are adding to this list of gratuities.  And when you are accomplishing things on your "to goal" list simply strike through the items with a single line, don't completely scratch these items out.  You want to make sure that you can look back and reminisce about all the things that you did that helped you accomplish your long term goals.

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