Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Recipe - How to Use the Secret Ingredients

I could have ... (should have ?) started this series on "Secret Ingredients" by underlining the fact that all of these secret ingredients are important.  Although you might ask, "Surely, one ingredient is more important than another?"  And, "In what proportion do I use these ingredients?"

The last question is dependent on that task at hand.  If you've ever done any baking you know that there is science behind how the ingredients interact.  And you know that if you change the proportions used in your batter then your cake could come out soupy or flat.  And you probably know that when you add a certain ingredient can also make a difference!

There's a comedian that jokes about Mexican food and the wide variety that is offered from same basic six or seven ingredients.  Some people hate burritos, but love tacos.  Same ingredients ... different proportions ... different name ... different impact on the palette.  Same ingredients, different results.

Unfortunately, unlike baking or Mexican food.  Your task or goal may not have a specific recipe.  Your life may require two parts "focus", one part "sacrifice" and a smattering of others ... today.  Tomorrow it may require two parts "sacrifice", one part "focus" and six parts "mentors".  You will have to experiment, you will make mistakes and have to start over at times and the recipe will vary depending on your goal at the time.

This brings us to "which ingredient is most important?" This one is easier to answer than you would think, regardless of the stage of life you are at or the goal that you are focused on.  The most important secret ingredient is:
              PASSION - DESIRE - YOUR WHY!

Without this ingredient none of the others matter.  Minus this ingredient you can accomplish a lot in life, but it won't be what you want to accomplish.  You will be able to collect a paycheck at a job.  Some may be lucky enough to happen upon a job that they love.  But when you set out in life you need to follow your passion and inject your passion into the things that you do.   If the things you do reject your passion then you need to find something else to do.

Think about boiling water for a minute.  The difference between hot water and boiling water is one degree!  Boiling water is two hundred and twelve (212) degrees ... hot water is two hundred and eleven (211) degrees; one degree made all the difference.  That one degree is your passion, inject it into the things you do and see the difference it makes!

I recall what Preacher Dan said one Sunday morning "Love what you do, do what you love!"  I think this was his way of saying "bring your passion" everywhere you go!

Have a great day and have a phenomenal 2016!

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