Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Second of Life's Secret Ingredients (2 of 10 or more)

The second of life's "Secret Ingredients" is:


What do I mean by discipline and why is it important?  To some discipline means "punishment" but that is not what I am referring.  In the realm of fulfilling your dreams or destiny discipline is defined as: having self-control that molds or perfects the mental faculties or moral character.

Jim Rohn explains in his teachings that every "discipline" effects the other disciplines.  He illustrates by saying that if you are sloppy with your accounting/budgeting then you are probably sloppy with your nutrition ... and your relationships ... and your housekeeping.

I can't say that he means there is a 100% direct correlation from one discipline/task/ability to the next or just that the confidence and habit that you develop bleeds into or influences the other areas of you life.  Either way ... he's right.

The fact is that if you can conquer health (develop a discipline of eating well) then you can conquer finances, gardening, grilling, housekeeping, etc.

Being able to exercise self-control or discipline will help you accomplish your goal and it will also prevent you from being distracted; or if you are distracted it will help you refocus and get back on track towards your goal.

Have a great day!

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment" ~ Jim Rohn

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