Friday, December 11, 2015

The Eleventh of Life's Secret Ingredients (11 of 10 or more)

Choose to be HAPPY!

When you look around your immediate world you will notice that you are surrounded by people that are impacted by the same exact circumstances as you.  It's the same sunshine, the same rain; the same good economy, the same bad economy; the same stressful holidays, the same horrific news on TV, etc.

Some of the people around you may look pretty depressed and possibly angry.  Yet so many of them seem to be so very happy! (Hopefully you are one of the latter!)

Why, how or what makes these people so happy?  Are they all lottery winners?  Did someone just compliment them on their dress or hair?  Whether or not they realize it, they choose to be happy!  It can be that simple ... it is that simple, they choose to be happy!  Just like all of us, there are moments of sadness in their lives, but overall their choice is to be happy!

We all face struggles, hardships and painful moments.  These things ca bring us down and dull our shine if we let them.  Or, like the sandblasting of a cast piece of metal, these things can actually make us shine brighter!

What was for me a horrible, miserable, dark day two years ago today (the anniversary of my divorce) has actually turned out to be a reminder that I got to start again.  I got a 'do-over'!  I get to choose to move forward!  I get to choose to be happy!  Yesterday was raining ... but today the sun is shining.  Tomorrow can always be a better, happier day ... if you choose for it to be!

Have a great day!

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