Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Twentieth of Life's Secret Ingredients (20 of 10 or more)

The twentieth and last of life's secret ingredients is:


According to Merriam-Webster one of faith's definitions is "the strong belief or trust in someone or something."  As Henry Ford put it "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right"

That "strong belief in someone" can be and should be YOU!  You must have a strong belief in yourself.  You need to have an attitude of "I can and I will" because the truth is you can and you will!

That "strong belief in something" can be and should be YOUR ABILITIES!  You must have a strong belief in your current abilities or the abilities you will soon have.  Simply because you don't have a skill or have a deficit in an area of your life today doesn't mean that that deficiency will always be there.  You must have the attitude that you can and you will have the skills and abilities you need, when you need them (and then work towards getting those skills)!

Take a minute and look back on your life and all of your triumphs.  I have no doubt that in your reflection you recalled many things that you thought were too daunting, yet you accomplished them.  They were beyond your present abilities, they were impossible ... yet you conquered them anyway!  There is your proof that you are AWESOME!  Have faith in yourself and in the person you are going to become.  Dream bigger, accept bigger challenges, because you can and you will!

                          "Without faith there is no hope." ~ Anon

Have a great day!

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