Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Third of Life's Secret Ingredients (3 of 10 or more)


This really should be a one word entry; as I believe everyone knows what passion is and how important it is ... hopefully? You should understand the difference that it makes in your life, as well as the lives of others ... right?  Well, just in case ...

Passion is a key ingredient of achieving your goals ... but you don't have to have goals to have a "life".  Some goal-less people meander through life and let 'it' happen to them.  I believe you should have goals and you should strive to contribute to society and to serve others ... but again these aren't requisites for living.  I believe you should be purposeful with your life and the secret ingredient called passion will give your actions magnitude!

Passion is energy, gravity, emotion and excitement!  Passion is that thing that other people can see and feel and it energizes them.  Your passion is so strong and so contagious that when others are nearby it pulls on them and they can't help but want to join you in whatever the cause or activity is.

And if your activity isn't public or others aren't close enough to feel the pull of your passion ... your passion is what will keep you going even when the going gets tough.

Bring your passion with you today and have a great day!

"Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting." ~ Napoleon Hill

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