Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Seventeenth of Life's Secret Ingredients (17 of 10 or more)

Knowledge.  Crave knowledge!

It is NOT the most critical of Life's Secret Ingredients, but it is important and it helps you to increase the number of opportunities that you will "happen upon" in life.  I of course say "happen upon" jokingly.  Expanding your knowledge (through education, independent study and experiential learning) will create these opportunities for you.  Regardless, more knowledge in the right areas will make you a better you.

Quick story:  Once I earned my masters in business I subconsciously felt that I had learned enough.   Surely twelve years of elementary education, four years of college and two years of graduate school was enough learning for one lifetime! I suppose that you can say I became arrogant, surely after eighteen years of school I learned all that I would need to in life. Turns out I was wrong about knowledge/education ... but I am right about my arrogance!

After getting my MBA I decided that I wanted to work for Ford Motor Company and while waiting to hear back from their human resources department I decided that I would work for one of their dealerships in Orlando.  I didn't realize it at the time, but this is where my education really began!  I learned a lot about people and about selling.  I learned that with as much education as I had at the time it wasn't necessarily suited for selling cars and trucks.  My sales career at that dealership spanned over five years and I was never once the salesman of the month!  All the education that I had, all that I knew (practically a super power) and in the sixty-six months of selling at that dealership I was outsold every month by people with just a high school education!

As fortune would have it I eventually got hired by Ford Motor Company and have worked for "the Fords" now for over sixteen years.  The education that I gained selling cars helped me in my first few years at Ford and I received a lot of on the job training throughout my career.  But after my first decade with Ford I woke up and realized that all of the on the job training that I was being spoon fed was only the things that they needed me to know to be a better employee.

What if I wanted to become a better me?  Where was I going to get this education and training?  As it turns out, the answer was right in front of me. Everyday I was looking at my teacher when I brushed my teeth and hair ... it was the guy in the mirror!  I was responsible for my continuing education.  If I wanted to grow and become a better me then I had to take charge.  I've been on the self-education course for more than six years now and today I feel like a better employee, a better friend and a better father than I have ever been.

There are thousands of resources and educators available, but ultimately you are responsible for your continued education.  And it will make you into a better you!

Have a great day!

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