Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Recipe - How to Use the Secret Ingredients

I could have ... (should have ?) started this series on "Secret Ingredients" by underlining the fact that all of these secret ingredients are important.  Although you might ask, "Surely, one ingredient is more important than another?"  And, "In what proportion do I use these ingredients?"

The last question is dependent on that task at hand.  If you've ever done any baking you know that there is science behind how the ingredients interact.  And you know that if you change the proportions used in your batter then your cake could come out soupy or flat.  And you probably know that when you add a certain ingredient can also make a difference!

There's a comedian that jokes about Mexican food and the wide variety that is offered from same basic six or seven ingredients.  Some people hate burritos, but love tacos.  Same ingredients ... different proportions ... different name ... different impact on the palette.  Same ingredients, different results.

Unfortunately, unlike baking or Mexican food.  Your task or goal may not have a specific recipe.  Your life may require two parts "focus", one part "sacrifice" and a smattering of others ... today.  Tomorrow it may require two parts "sacrifice", one part "focus" and six parts "mentors".  You will have to experiment, you will make mistakes and have to start over at times and the recipe will vary depending on your goal at the time.

This brings us to "which ingredient is most important?" This one is easier to answer than you would think, regardless of the stage of life you are at or the goal that you are focused on.  The most important secret ingredient is:
              PASSION - DESIRE - YOUR WHY!

Without this ingredient none of the others matter.  Minus this ingredient you can accomplish a lot in life, but it won't be what you want to accomplish.  You will be able to collect a paycheck at a job.  Some may be lucky enough to happen upon a job that they love.  But when you set out in life you need to follow your passion and inject your passion into the things that you do.   If the things you do reject your passion then you need to find something else to do.

Think about boiling water for a minute.  The difference between hot water and boiling water is one degree!  Boiling water is two hundred and twelve (212) degrees ... hot water is two hundred and eleven (211) degrees; one degree made all the difference.  That one degree is your passion, inject it into the things you do and see the difference it makes!

I recall what Preacher Dan said one Sunday morning "Love what you do, do what you love!"  I think this was his way of saying "bring your passion" everywhere you go!

Have a great day and have a phenomenal 2016!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Twentieth of Life's Secret Ingredients (20 of 10 or more)

The twentieth and last of life's secret ingredients is:


According to Merriam-Webster one of faith's definitions is "the strong belief or trust in someone or something."  As Henry Ford put it "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right"

That "strong belief in someone" can be and should be YOU!  You must have a strong belief in yourself.  You need to have an attitude of "I can and I will" because the truth is you can and you will!

That "strong belief in something" can be and should be YOUR ABILITIES!  You must have a strong belief in your current abilities or the abilities you will soon have.  Simply because you don't have a skill or have a deficit in an area of your life today doesn't mean that that deficiency will always be there.  You must have the attitude that you can and you will have the skills and abilities you need, when you need them (and then work towards getting those skills)!

Take a minute and look back on your life and all of your triumphs.  I have no doubt that in your reflection you recalled many things that you thought were too daunting, yet you accomplished them.  They were beyond your present abilities, they were impossible ... yet you conquered them anyway!  There is your proof that you are AWESOME!  Have faith in yourself and in the person you are going to become.  Dream bigger, accept bigger challenges, because you can and you will!

                          "Without faith there is no hope." ~ Anon

Have a great day!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Nineteenth Secret Ingredient of Life (19 of 10 or more)


This is critical, nothing happens without desire.  Marketers know this which is why every effective ad ever created aroused a desire (need for their product) within you!

Napoleon Hill said that "Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything."  (See Brainy Quotes for more Napoleon Hill quotes -

If you've got the kind of desire that Mr. Hill describes there isn't anything that you can't pursue and probably achieve!  If you've got this kind of desire then many of the other of life's secret ingredients will come easier to you.

With great desire will come great achievement!

Have a great day!

Friday, December 25, 2015

The Eighteenth of Life's Secret Ingredients (18 of 10 or more)

Anger and Forgiveness.  Yes you get two for the price of one this time!  Because they go hand in hand.

You have to know that your anger doesn't necessarily hurt other people, it only holds you back.  Your anger will keep you stuck in the bitter, vengeful state that you are in.  Will you get angry, yes.  But make your anger quick and fleeting.  Don't hang on to it or harbor it ... it will hurt you and keep you from becoming the person that you want to become.

You must also realize that the key to letting go of your anger is forgiveness.  Forgiveness isn't for the person that you believed wronged you ... or in some cases is still wronging you.  Forgiveness is for you.  When you forgive others it allows you to release that anger and move on.

Be cautious though.  If you are guided by the Bible, know that it doesn't say "forgive and forget".  It does say to forgive ... but you shouldn't forget.  These are learning moments to keep us away from people that are not healthy for us to be in a relationship with; or to keep us out of dangerous situations.

Can you imagine burning your hand on a stove ... you subsequently 'forgive the stove' for burning you ... but you forget what it can do to you.  NO!  You remember and you proceed in life with caution.

Merry Christmas!  And have a great day!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Seventeenth of Life's Secret Ingredients (17 of 10 or more)

Knowledge.  Crave knowledge!

It is NOT the most critical of Life's Secret Ingredients, but it is important and it helps you to increase the number of opportunities that you will "happen upon" in life.  I of course say "happen upon" jokingly.  Expanding your knowledge (through education, independent study and experiential learning) will create these opportunities for you.  Regardless, more knowledge in the right areas will make you a better you.

Quick story:  Once I earned my masters in business I subconsciously felt that I had learned enough.   Surely twelve years of elementary education, four years of college and two years of graduate school was enough learning for one lifetime! I suppose that you can say I became arrogant, surely after eighteen years of school I learned all that I would need to in life. Turns out I was wrong about knowledge/education ... but I am right about my arrogance!

After getting my MBA I decided that I wanted to work for Ford Motor Company and while waiting to hear back from their human resources department I decided that I would work for one of their dealerships in Orlando.  I didn't realize it at the time, but this is where my education really began!  I learned a lot about people and about selling.  I learned that with as much education as I had at the time it wasn't necessarily suited for selling cars and trucks.  My sales career at that dealership spanned over five years and I was never once the salesman of the month!  All the education that I had, all that I knew (practically a super power) and in the sixty-six months of selling at that dealership I was outsold every month by people with just a high school education!

As fortune would have it I eventually got hired by Ford Motor Company and have worked for "the Fords" now for over sixteen years.  The education that I gained selling cars helped me in my first few years at Ford and I received a lot of on the job training throughout my career.  But after my first decade with Ford I woke up and realized that all of the on the job training that I was being spoon fed was only the things that they needed me to know to be a better employee.

What if I wanted to become a better me?  Where was I going to get this education and training?  As it turns out, the answer was right in front of me. Everyday I was looking at my teacher when I brushed my teeth and hair ... it was the guy in the mirror!  I was responsible for my continuing education.  If I wanted to grow and become a better me then I had to take charge.  I've been on the self-education course for more than six years now and today I feel like a better employee, a better friend and a better father than I have ever been.

There are thousands of resources and educators available, but ultimately you are responsible for your continued education.  And it will make you into a better you!

Have a great day!

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Sixteenth Secret Ingredient of Life (16 of 10 or more)

Stay active!

Stay active in the various areas of your life.  Stay active physically, mentally, spiritually. Don't quit, don't retire, keep going!  It's said that: a ship left in port will decay faster than one that is used at sea  and a house that is uninhabited will fall down sooner than an occupied one.

Don't just stay active, stretch and stress yourself.  Try to make today's workout tougher than your last.  Try to read books that challenge your mind with bigger words and bigger ideas.  Try to increase or expand your spirituality, investigate other religions/faiths.

I have heard too many stories about people who work their whole lives for a single company and then within weeks of retiring they die!  Their whole lives were dedicated to just one thing - their jobs and when that ceases to exist they cease to exist.

The variety and activity will keep you young and fresh.  It will strengthen you.  It will allow you to have a longer, happier, more productive life.

Have a great day!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Fifteenth Secret to Life (15 of 10 or more)

Be goofy, lighthearted, have fun and be able to laugh at yourself!

Don't use self-deprecating humor, don't put yourself down ... but be able to laugh at yourself when the time is right.

One day I was leaving my girlfriend's condo and walked through a spider web.  I was startled, I was flailing my arms around trying to simultaneously break free from the web and clean it from my face. No doubt I looked like an idiot to anyone who might have seen me, surely they couldn't see the spider web.  My next move?  I burst out laughing and almost fell down.

Life is short ... make it fun!  Have a great day!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Fourteenth of Life's Secret Ingredients (of 10 or more)


Budget time ...
Budget energy ...
Budget finances/money ...
Budget everything!!!

Jim Rohn says "you may not be able to do all you find out, but find out all you can do."  You won't have time or resources to do everything you want to do, but at least see what's available to you and actively make choices.  And in order to make smart choices you need to know what resources are available to you and budget them so that you can work on what is most important to you (family, vacations, business ventures, etc.)

And when budgeting, budget backwards.  Yes, budget starting from the end and work your way backwards whenever it is up to you.

For instance, when it comes to time you can take the total hours available in a day and work backwards to see what "free time" you have to work on the things that are really important to you.  Let's say you want to transform part of your backyard into a rock garden ... and you want it done before your in-laws come to town at the end of the month (because you want to show it off).  And let's say a friend of yours created a similar area in their yard and it took them a total of thirty hours to complete.  You are motivated, you want to impress the in-laws so you are confident that you can do it in twenty-four hours!

Here's what your time budget might look like:
8 Hrs. - Sleep & Hygiene
2 Hrs. - Dining (three meals, including driving to restaurants)
2 Hrs. - Commute to work
8 Hrs. - Time at work
4 Hrs. - Time to work on your rock garden each day

In just six week/work days you can transform your backyard ... without eating into your valuable weekend time!  If you budget and focus, you can complete a little bit of a major task each day and before you know it you've accomplished your goal.  How do you eat the elephant?  That's right, one bite at a time!

Or you can do what most people do (like you did when you were back in school) and crash or cram!  You can waste your whole weekend, push everything else aside, miss out on your kid's soccer game and pass out halfway to your bedroom late on Sunday night. The cool thing is that you get to choose.

Money works the same way.  You know you are going to make $X this month, you know you've got $Y in bills each month (rent, food, utilities) and you know that you should have $Z left to put towards your dreams, goals or projects.  If your $Z is zero or less each month then you have to either increase your $X or decrease your $Y.

Budget yourself a great day!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Thirteenth Secret to Life (13 of 10 or more)

FAIL! Fall down a lot!

Someone once asked me "Warren, how did you get so good at ice skating?"  My answer was 'I fell down a lot!" I wanted to skate, I wanted to be better at skating, I wanted to be able to skate well enough that I could play ice hockey with my college buddies.  So I went to the rink a lot and I fell down a lot.  Falling down taught me what didn't work; and it taught me what it meant to get up and try again.

Watching the better skaters whipping past me helped too!  It wasn't just because I could see how they were crossing over or skating backwards.  It was as much because as an eighteen year old there were six year old kids skating circles around me and helping me up when I fell.  Slightly embarrassing ... but more a boost in confidence!  If they could do it I figured I could do it.  It was inspiration.

After I was able to stand and skate forward I could have stopped trying.  But remember, my goal was to be able to play ice hockey with my friends.  This meant learning how to skate faster, skate backwards, turn and yes ... STOP!  In order to achieve my goal I only had one choice - to keep trying new things and yes, to fall down.

Had I given up, I never would have been able to play intramural hockey with my buddies.  I never would have been voted "most improved" (there was no where to go but up).  And I never would have had the career highlight in my memory of checking one of my opponents over the wall into his own bench.  It's possible that I could have scored a goal or two, but that check is what I remember most and my buddies' reactions!

So if you want to get better, keep failing, keep falling down!

Have a great day!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Twelfth Secret Ingredient to Life (of 10 or more)

Be Kind ... show kindness ... dare I say love?  Well it may not be possible to truly "love" everyone.

But be kind.

Be kind and considerate.

Be kind, considerate and thoughtful.

Be kind, considerate, thoughtful and compassionate.

But don't be a pushover. Don't walk all over other people and don't let them walk over you ... but you can still be kind.  No, you won't "love" everyone, yes some people will try to take advantage of your kindness.  Being kind doesn't mean you are foolish and being kind to people who are mean to you doesn't mean you are stupid.  It's just the best policy and it won't always be easy.

You may not know what is going on in someone else's life (they likely won't know what's going on in yours), so if they are rude, inconsiderate; or in a hurry, don't hold it against them.  Amp up the kindness!  Know that when you choose to show kindness to someone you are being a great example, you are leading.

Whenever I have my doubts about being kind in any situation I try to think about the Buddhist philosophy of karma:  intentional actions have consequences, consequences don't expire.  Or perhaps a western expression I heard my parents say will be familiar to you ... "what goes around comes around."

Have a great day!

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Eleventh of Life's Secret Ingredients (11 of 10 or more)

Choose to be HAPPY!

When you look around your immediate world you will notice that you are surrounded by people that are impacted by the same exact circumstances as you.  It's the same sunshine, the same rain; the same good economy, the same bad economy; the same stressful holidays, the same horrific news on TV, etc.

Some of the people around you may look pretty depressed and possibly angry.  Yet so many of them seem to be so very happy! (Hopefully you are one of the latter!)

Why, how or what makes these people so happy?  Are they all lottery winners?  Did someone just compliment them on their dress or hair?  Whether or not they realize it, they choose to be happy!  It can be that simple ... it is that simple, they choose to be happy!  Just like all of us, there are moments of sadness in their lives, but overall their choice is to be happy!

We all face struggles, hardships and painful moments.  These things ca bring us down and dull our shine if we let them.  Or, like the sandblasting of a cast piece of metal, these things can actually make us shine brighter!

What was for me a horrible, miserable, dark day two years ago today (the anniversary of my divorce) has actually turned out to be a reminder that I got to start again.  I got a 'do-over'!  I get to choose to move forward!  I get to choose to be happy!  Yesterday was raining ... but today the sun is shining.  Tomorrow can always be a better, happier day ... if you choose for it to be!

Have a great day!

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Tenth of Life's Secret Ingredients (10 of 10 or more)

You need mentors in your life and you need to be a mentor!

Napoleon Hill references the need to have a "mastermind alliance" to help guide you in life/business with decision making and to hold you accountable.  In your personal life you need role models or mentors as examples of who you can become.  They will be people that will push you in the direction you want to go and help you gain momentum!

A few years ago I remember Marc Miro (ex-WWF wrestler) saying to our parish one Sunday "your friends are like an elevator, they can bring you down or they can bring you up."  Make sure that you surround yourself with inspiring mentors/heroes that you would like to become like.

With that in mind, be cautious who you surround yourself with and who you look to for guidance.  Adolf Hitler was a great motivator of his people ... but so was Mahatma Gandhi!  Which one would you rather get inspiration and advice from?

You may be at a point in your life where you can be a big sister or big brother to someone.  Or you can mentor the interns at work.  Or you can mentor an older person (yes mentors can be younger than you) on how to make the most out of that smart phone in their hands.  By mentoring others you will become more of the person that you want to become.  Helping someone else doesn't just make you feel better ... it actually makes you better!

Get a mentor - Be a mentor!  Have a great day!

Friday, December 4, 2015

The Ninth of Life's Secret Ingredients (9 of 10 or more)

The ninth of Life's Secret Ingredients is perhaps the most difficult one to put into practice!  It is to:

Be accepting, open, listen ... have good ears.

You may have heard the expression "when the student is ready the teacher will appear."  I feel that the student needs to be constantly ready.  There is so much to learn from those around us!  There are examples and warnings everywhere!  And as you've probably learned already in life, people are always willing to give you their opinion ... usually unsolicited.

Their opinion is many times less opinion and more criticism, but you need to learn to take it.  That doesn't necessarily mean that you have to agree with it or change what you are doing.  Although, not all criticism is bad ... surely you've heard of constructive criticism?  Can it hurt ... yes!  Does it need to be fatal .. no!  Again, you don't have to agree with the 'teacher', but they are providing you with valuable information on how you appear (to them), how what you said came across (to them) and perhaps how silly you look in that gingham button down shirt with the white and purple striped pants (to them).

Also, the advice or criticism that they are sharing with you isn't always based in fact.  Many times it's just their belief ... like when they tell you that gingham doesn't go with stripes it is their belief ... well maybe it is a fact, no matter.  But if they tell you if you stick two screwdrivers in an electrical outlet, holding one in each hand that you will get electrocuted ... well that's probably fact.  They've likely done both of those, learn from their mistakes and your life will be better!  Get the idea?

So:  Accept the advice or criticism, process it, learn from it (choose to do what you want with it to make you a better, stronger, happier person!), then thank them and move on!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Eighth of Life's Secret Ingredients (8 of 10 or more)


Yes, it can be a dreadfully burdensome word.  Just thinking about the word "sacrifice" conjures up images of Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King ... and perhaps your mother?  All great people, all who made sacrifices for others.

However, the sacrifice that I am asking you to make is far less noble than that of the above examples ... but just as important to you.  I want you to take some time and account for how you spend your time, money and energy.  Review your relationships, diet and income.  Write down the details of the aforementioned topics and decide which you can't live without and those that you are willing to put on hold; or dare I say give up?

Pursuing your dreams and goals will require that you make some hard choices, but achieving them in an expeditious manner require that you make some sacrifices!  Depending on your goals:  that 8 hours every Saturday that you spend binge watching Dexter or Psych on Netflix - GONE!  That $10/day Starbucks habit that you've developed - GONE!  Those friends that you've had since college that seem to think that they are still in college ... well maybe not gone, but you need to limit your exposure to them.  Barbecuing, drinking and playing corn-hole every weekend with your college buddies can be switched to once a month.

Why sacrifice? It's likely that if your goal is big enough and worth it then you will need the extra resources to dedicate to achieving your goal.  And if you can't give up $10 of Starbucks a day ($2,640 per year - $10 x 22 work days x 12 months) to pursue your dream of getting a degree or buying equipment to start your own business ... well then you just don't want it bad enough.

Have a great day!