Friday, August 5, 2011

What I learned from my cat!

My cat's name is Kennedy, a.k.a. "K-K". She's not really my cat, she's the kids cat. If you base ownership on who feeds the cat, let's her in & out of the house and who cleans out the litter box - then she is my cat. If you base ownership on who loves on her the most -- she is the kids' cat.

Here are some things that I've learned from K-K:
1) Stretch - before you do anything! K-K stretches before she does anything. She wakes up ... stretches. She goes to eat ... stretches. She's heading outside ... stretches. It's no wonder she can clean all those hard to reach spots ... she stretches constantly! And I've yet to hear complain about a pulled 'hammie'.
2) Eat - when you are hungry, but don't over indulge. And be picky about what you eat - only eat what's good for you.
3) Play - outside if possible, but play. Playing keeps you young! Chase a string or a lizard or another cat. For people, chasing a string would look very silly. But you can chase a soccer ball, roller blade, play frisbee ... just play.
4) Work - earn your keep, add value to the household/community. It builds character and makes you feel good
5) Rest - when you need it; don't sleep too much or you'll miss out. Take a nap once in a while so that you are fresh and ready to go at a moments notice!
6) Alone time - make sure that you have some alone time (Jim Rohn refers to it as "go to your closet and shut the door"). Take time to be alone, reflect on your day, your year, your life
7) Keep your claws sharp - K-K is always sharpening her claws (mostly on the wood legs of our tables). It's instinct, she has to be ready to fight - to defend herself. Hopefully you never, or at least not frequently have to get into a physical fight. Though it is good to be prepared. Rather, you will face many mental and verbal conflicts. Be ready to defend your position passionately and righteously.

Have a great day! Stay sharp, stay focused!

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