Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Oh no ... it's raining!

Oh no ... it's raining! What do we do now?

So many times in life it seems like we are caught by surprise, something happens and you just aren't prepared for it. How we respond to life's inconveniences reflects who we are as a person. For instance, let's say you are at work and for lunch you decide to walk to a nearby deli. You get about halfway there and it starts to rain - I mean pour, like cats & dogs! At this point, it's inevitable; you are going to get soaked!

It’s too late to prepare now, all you can do is react. How you react is a test of your character and your instinct.

1) Do you just stand in the middle of the sidewalk and scream out: “Why me Lord, why me?!”

2) Or, do you giggle like a kindergartener and run through as many puddles as you can on the way to the deli?

3) Or, perhaps you just find an awning or a store to duck into and try to wait it out for a couple minutes

Now rewind … could you have prepared differently and possibly created better/more options if you were caught in the rain? Yes.

1) You could've watched the weather forecast and would have known that it was going to rain ... or perhaps you do, but the weather person predicted sunny skies?

2) You could've packed a light poncho or umbrella regardless of the weather report

3) You could get a Plan-B ... seems like you needed one; and just ordered delivery

Most of the things in our lives that surprise us and are important to us don’t have to be surprises. We just have to put a little forethought into these things and plan for them. Have you ever been surprised that “tomorrow is ‘so & so’s’ birthday. Or can’t believe that Christmas is next week and you haven’t started shopping yet … nor did you save up money for it. Does your boss often take you buy surprise when he or she asks for the “McMillan” project and you thought you still had plenty of time to work on it?

There are certain things that you just can predict, such as earthquakes. But with a few minutes spent planning each morning when you get up, or at night before you go to bed, life can go a lot smoother. And thanks to the internet you can get instant weather reports and not have to worry about getting caught in the rain!

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