Friday, September 20, 2013


Do you ever just find yourself feeling hungry ... you're just not sure what for?

Have you ever found yourself at home on the prowl for a treat, a morsel of anything, even a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  You stick your head in your pantry and all you find is a box of cereal that your 'ex' left behind, a can of black beans and some old nachos.  Next, you open every cabinet in your kitchen to realize that all you have are dishes, pots & pans, a box of mac&cheese and a bunch of spices on a shelf.  Not being in the mood for mac&cheese, you ask yourself ... "I wonder if oregano, garlic powder and dried chives would be good together?"  You wisely decide against that combo and move on ...

Ah-ha!  The refrigerator ... there's got to be something good in the refrigerator!  You run to the door, whip it open, packets of Taco Bell sauces fall off the door ("who put them there anyway?").  You are now standing in front of your 'frig' in a 'Superman' pose, chest puffed out,  ready to conquer the goodness that is stored in this fine Kenmore side-by-side.

Alas, there is nothing edible left.  There is a white foam box from your favorite Italian restaurant ... but you don't even open it, you're too scared.  You know you haven't been to that place in over a month and now is no time for a science experiment.  Your eyes land on a large transparent plastic container that holds what might possibly be a joyful and bountiful container of eggnog.  You turn the container to find the handle and realize that the label says "Milk" ... you scour the container for the 'best by' date and loosely interpret it to read:
              "If you value your life put this container down now!"

You've been searching long and hard now for some morsels to satisfy your hunger ... which has only made your hunger stronger, louder, more painful.  In a final act of desperation your hand moves to the vegetable drawer ... yes desperate times, desperate measures, you will settle for a salad!  You grasp the handle and close your eyes, you slide the drawer open and hear something rolling around, could it be ...?

Your eyes open and fall upon a tri-colored spherical object that you assume was once an orange.  Lying next to it is a clear plastic bag filled with something that is a shade of green you've never seen before and what might be more water than you drink in a day.

You are spent.  You've been conquered.  You sit on the floor in front of your still open Kenmore with your head leaning on your bent knees and your hands folded behind your head.  You realize now that the grocery shopping that you had been putting off would have really paid off at this very moment.  Defeated, you get up, close the refrigerator door and grab your car keys.  Your hunger, while not fed yet, has won.  You are now on a mission to feed that hunger.  As you get in your car, you realized an important lesson, you realize that it is best to be prepared for situations like these.

You will be hungry ... sometimes you won't know what for.  When you go to the 'grocery store' of life.  Load up on a variety things.  Try something new.  Take a class in pottery even if you don't like getting your hands dirty.  Go to a Korean BBQ restaurant even if Italian is your favorite, you might end up with two favorites.   Pick up a book on time management even if you don't think you need it. Take a yoga class even if you don't think your are stressed.

Trying new activities, reading new and challenging materials, tasting new cuisines will help you expand every aspect of your life.  You will have a bigger appreciation for all that our world has to offer.  Don't wait until you are hungry to shop around; be prepared, make sure you have choices available to you, passions that you can pursue!

Feed your hunger!

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