Friday, May 5, 2017

Whatever it takes ... really?

Have you ever heard the expression "Whatever it takes"?

Have you ever said "Whatever it takes"?

Did you mean it?

Think about that phrase and those words and what they truly mean.  It's not a phrase that should be used casually ... but I for one, hear it pretty often.

Just know that if you say "whatever it takes!"  You are saying that you will travel to the ends of the earth.  You will give it your all.  You will utilize every resource at your disposable: time, money, energy.   You won't stop until you die!

That is what is meant by "whatever it takes!"

In order to fulfill that commitment you will have to act like the ant.  They truly do "whatever it takes!"  They are ultra focused and only have one mission at a time, they will stop at nothing.  If you see one marching down the sidewalk and you put your foot in it's path it will climb over your foot, go around your foot, go under your foot ... whatever it takes.  You could build a brick wall in it's path and it will keep going until it gets around the wall and fulfills its destiny ... or dies.

So the morale ... if you use the phrase "whatever it takes" ... mean it.  And if you use the phrase "whatever it takes" it'd be wise of you to be ant focused, ant intense, ant impassioned!

Have a great and blessed day!

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