Monday, May 2, 2016

Don't get too comfortable!

Don't get too comfortable or you run the risk of missing your goals, losing your dreams, falling behind, or worse, going backwards!

What happens to me when I am in the middle of yard work on a hot Saturday morning and I decide to take a break?  That depends on what kind of break I take!

Picture a ninety-five degree Saturday morning in central Florida.  The humidity is about one hundred percent, give or take a percentage point.  I've probably already mowed the lawn and still need to edge it, blow the clippings into a pile and put them in a garbage bag.  Let's say I'm about halfway done.  I want to (I need to!) take a little break and cool off, otherwise I will melt.  Let's take a look at three of my options:

  1. Go to the outdoor fridge, grab a water or Gatorade, drink it down and go back to work
  2. Go to the outdoor fridge, grab a water or Gatorade, drink it down while sitting in a chair in the shade
  3. Go inside, grab a water or Gatorade and sit down in the A/C to cool off
Option #3 is a great choice ... assuming that I don't want to finish the yard work.  What is likely to happen is I will realize how hot it really is outside and I'll wait for the cover of darkness (I wouldn't want the neighbors seeing me be lazy) to go pick up my lawn implements.  Stowing them away until next week. 

Option #2 sounds like a pretty good and reasonable choice.  But let's be honest, I'm going to plop down in the shade and if I get up before it gets dark it will only be to get a beer.

Option #1 (at least in my case) is my best choice and takes the least amount of time.  If you are like me, when you get too comfortable with your situation you don't want to leave your situation.

And I am not just talking about yard work.  Remember all of those hopes and dreams that you had when you were younger.  You know like the one that had you where you were going to become the world's first firefighting-doctor-astronaut on his way to Mars, who could also sing better than Frank Sinatra!  Yeah, we've all had similar goals.  But then one day we realized how much work it would be to achieve that goal, how much we would have to sacrifice, how UNCOMFORTABLE we would have to be for a few years and we decided maybe things are okay the way they are

Don't let go of a dream because you are comfortable in your current situation.  It's okay to change your goals/dreams.  You should be chasing what you are passionate about.  Find that passion and go after, don't settle for being comfortable where you are at.

As Jim Rohn said "Rest very little!"  Surely, you will need to rest along the way.  You'll need to re-energize your mind, your body and refocus your efforts.  But get too comfortable, don't sit down in the shade for too long and definitely don't go inside where the A/C is at or you'll never accomplish your goal!

Have a great day!

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