Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Great Equalizer

Are we are all different or are are all the same?  Depending on your philosophy or what is called "conventional wisdom" ... the answer to both is YES!

We are all very different.  In our habits, in our likes, in our dislikes.  No two of us are exactly alike, even if you are a twin. And we are all very similar.  We need food, water, air, challenges and we need to grow.  We all have hearts, blood, brains. It just depends how deep you want to look for the similarities or the differences.  You will find many of each if you are looking hard enough.

But we each have at least 86,400 things in common.  WOW! That is a lot of things ... what are they?  They are the seconds in a day.  We each have 86,400 seconds in a day.  But each of us differ in how we use them. This is the great equalizer!  Regardless of your current situation, who your parents are, how much is in your bank account, we each still have 86,400 seconds in our day and we each get to choose how to spend them!

Some of us, like the seeds of a dandelion, will float aimlessly through life, land and 'plant' ourselves wherever the wind (a.k.a. life) takes us.  Others, will be purposeful and careful with how we spend these precious moments.  We will be more like a ship on the ocean.  With a sail and a compass, regardless of which way the wind is blowing we will keep our eyes on our destination.  We will tack and adjust until we ultimately reach our destination.

Which type of person are you?  Will you choose to be purposeful with your time today?  Or, will you choose to be the dandelion and see where 'life' blows you?

"Dream as if you will live forever; Live as if you will die today." ~ James Dean (Cultural Icon, Actor: "Rebel without a Cause")

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