Sunday, June 22, 2014

Our struggles make us stronger, they help us grow!

Don't regret your struggles!  We all face challenges, some that are tougher than others ... but we all have them!

Death, Divorce, Debt, Disease ... we all have challenges, we all have struggles.  As my mentor Jim Rohn would say ... these things happen to all of us, it's what we do about them that matters.  Or as Bob Proctor would put it:  E + R = O.  The Event plus your Reaction equals your Outcome.

How you react to the things that life throws at you will determine where you end up tomorrow.  Whether you become stronger, smarter and more courageous ... or you become weaker, dumber, more afraid!  Face your challenges head on; react in ways that you will gain or grow from your challenges.

Whether you choose action or inaction you won't be the same person tomorrow that you are today.  If you rise to the challenge you will grow stronger, your life and all aspects of it will get better.  If you run from your challenges you will shrink, grow weaker ... you will be less tomorrow than you are today.

Here's the irony ... if you do nothing (meaning don't face your challenges, but don't run) ... the effect on you is the same as if you ran away from your challenges.  Doing nothing will cause atrophy in your mind, your will, your heart, your muscles ... your being.

Choose to face your challenges!  Choose to face your struggles!  Choose to grow!  And if you don't have challenges get some!

1 comment:

"T" Orlando, FL said...

I like my challenges :)
Great post!