Friday, January 4, 2013

Victim ... no more!

It is now 2013 ... and I have but one resolution.

I WILL NO LONGER BE A VICTIM!  By this, I mean that I will no longer be a VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCE.  In 2013, I will not set the cruise control on my ride to my destiny.  I will be active in deciding the direction that I am heading and the magnitude at which I head towards my destiny.

There are many types of victims in this world.  You can be a victim of a: crime; failing school system; decaying neighborhood; solar radiation, etc.  Some things will just happen to you.  You just can't control everything.

However, your destiny does not have to be one of those things that "just happens".  If you are like me, you don't want to be sitting in a rocking chair some day when you are retired and wonder how you got there.  Or for that matter, why would you want to wake up 5 years from now and not know how and why you arrived where you are at?  Which would likely be at the same job, with the same pay, performing the same rote tasks.

I hope that you will join me in 2013 in choosing your direction and actively participating in arriving at where you want to be in 5, 10 or 20 years.

The first step will be acknowledging that you do have influence, if not full control, over your future and what you, as a person, become.  Regardless of what you might hear on the radio, read in the paper or see on T.V. - the government, your neighbors, your school teachers, your mommy & daddy are not the ones who are in charge of you ... unless you choose to let them.  So take charge of yourself, commit to yourself that you will shape your own future.  If you are going to be a victim of anything ... be a victim of your own decisions.  Whether you choose well or not, because it was your decision you will learn from your experience and make better decisions in the future.  Just don't be a victim of indecision, lack of control, lack of desire ... don't be a victim of circumstance!

Merry New Year!

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