Friday, January 18, 2013


Why would I want to write about ants?  Why do I admire them so?  Mainly for three reasons:

1) They are persistent -- no one will ever accuse an ant of being a quitter.  They don't care what is in their way and how big the task is.  They will figure out a way to get the job done.  If you see one marching on the ground and you put something in their way (like your foot) ... they will climb over or walk around.  If the leaf is too big to carry, they will bite off a size that they can carry.  The only time they will stop is if you yank off all six of their legs.  But please don't, that's cruel.

2) Their ability to delay gratification -- they have no problems working hard today and saving for a better tomorrow.  You've no doubt heard the Aesop's story of the Ant and the Grasshopper.  The Grasshopper decides that it wants to play instead of sowing and reaping from its efforts.  When the seasons change and food is not readily available he has nothing to eat.  The Ant however has stored up plenty for the hard times.  The Ant sowed, tended, harvested and saved up.  When bad times hit (which they always do) the Ant was ready!

3) Their FOCUS -- ants know their mission or their purpose.  They understand what they were put on earth for and they do it. They don't try to reinvent their role ... they accept their role and they do it, never straying from their task.

Ants are inspirational!  They're not sexy, they are not even cute.  Actually, they are quite ugly.  But they are inspirational.  Have a great day!

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