Saturday, July 16, 2011

Watch your Nickles and Dimes

As you probably realize ... some of the best advice you've ever gotten has come from your Dad (or possibly someone else's Dad). One of the things that my Dad shared with me was the following expression:

"Watch your nickels and dimes ...
... and the dollars will take care of themselves."

Not sure where he learned it, or when exactly he shared it with me. I only wish that he had been more forceful with some of his advice. You know ... the slap you in the face or hit you with a 2 x 4 in the head kind of force. I'm sure that I was a teenager, if not younger, when he shared it with me. And after many years of not heeding his advice, recently Carole and I have chosen to pay a lot more attention to our "nickels and dimes". A lot of credit goes to Dave Ramsey and the brain-washing he's been giving me over the past few years; but it was Dad who originally shared it with me ... and now, finally, I am taking advantage of it.

We are now living on a budget and (as Dave would say) telling our money what to do! We are watching the nickels, dimes, dollars, coupons, light switches, A/C settings, etc.! It's quite simple ... but it's not easy! We are trying to break some 'bad' habits and it's taking time. But by the end of this month we will have paid down over $13,000 in debt since we started ... and by the end of the year (fingers crossed) we hope to have her truck paid off.

What's that line from "Death of a Salesman"? "Free and clear [Tubby] ... free and clear."

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