Monday, January 14, 2019

The #1 Reason why you didn't achieve your goal!

Without a doubt the number one reason why you didn't achieve your goal(s) was because you really didn't have one!  That's right you didn't have a goal.

Oh, you may have thought you had a goal.  But if we're being honest with ourselves ... it was really more of a wish, wasn't it?

Wishes are great, wishes are awesome!  But wishes are something that you make when you are blowing out your birthday candles, when you find an eyelash on your cheek or when see a unicorn.

But please don't mistake a wish for a goal.  They may start out sounding the same ... but that is where the similarity ends.  In fact, if we're still being honest, I don't think any of us really think that a wish will ever come true.

My mom (God rest her soul) wished for years that she could go to Paris.  It never happened.  There were a lot of reasons (a.k.a. excuses) why her wish never came true.  But the main reason why she never went to Paris was because her wish stayed a wish.  She never made it a goal.  There was no planning involved.  Yes, she repeated her wish numerous times through the years, but her wish never turned into a goal.

My wife and I set a goal early in 2018 to celebrate a momentous birthday (I won't say which one) together in Paris.  My momentous birthday was in June of 2018 and hers would be in August of 2019.  We figured we would treat ourselves to the trip somewhere between the two birthdays.  We set the wheels in motion and started planning and saving.  Then she got some good news from work that she had to go Paris in September ... BAM!  It was done, we now knew our travel dates and kicked our planning into high gear.

Yes, there was some good fortune that came our way.  Her travel was covered by a work trip, but the rest was on us.  Would the "for work" Paris trip have ever happened if we hadn't put our goal out into the universe and start making plans?  Maybe, but maybe not.  Could we have both gone if we hadn't started planning in advance, yes ... but not without thousands of dollars of debt.  We were able to spend a week in Paris exploring and enjoying the food, culture and museums without having to bring credit card debt or stress back to the US with us.  That made the trip even more enjoyable.

Wishes are nice ...
but goals are definitely better!

Have a blessed day!

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