Saturday, March 18, 2017

Why can't they just give me a pill or something?

Many times people (okay, I) wish it were that easy.  Just "give me a pill and make "it" better ... make "it" go away.  But life isn't that easy ... it's not supposed to be that easy.  If it were that easy life would be miserable. 

Twice this week I've heard inferences to "instant" cures.  The "give me a pill" phrase was from someone who knows that their situation is a lot more complicated than one pill ... but refuses to believe it. 

The second time was a TV commercial for a product that I will call "Nutri-fast-ish"; a diet plan company.  The spokesperson actually used the words "lose the weight today!"  As Zig Ziglar said "I put the weight on one spoonful at a time.  It's not coming off instantly.  It's going to take awhile."

Before you get up in arms and consider lecturing me, first those were Zig's words about himself ... and second, they apply to many, but not all of us!

The point is more often than not "we" are looking for the easy way, the quick cure, instant results.  That's not how you ended up wherever you are ... and that's not how you will make your way to your dream destination.

So as Les Brown says "If you only do the easy things, life will be hard.  But if you do the hard things, life will be easy!"  Stop looking for the short cut or the easy way.  Look for the sure thing!  And when you find out that there is hard work or effort required don't start your search over, dig in and put forth the effort.

You may think that having an "easy button" would bring tremendous joy, but joy doesn't come from getting everything you want, when you want it. The pride and jubilation you will feel when you reach your "dream destination" from knowing that it was your effort that got you there will far outweigh the cost (a.k.a. the hard work) it took to get there!

Have a blessed day!

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