Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Eighth of Life's Secret Ingredients (8 of 10 or more)


Yes, it can be a dreadfully burdensome word.  Just thinking about the word "sacrifice" conjures up images of Jesus Christ, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King ... and perhaps your mother?  All great people, all who made sacrifices for others.

However, the sacrifice that I am asking you to make is far less noble than that of the above examples ... but just as important to you.  I want you to take some time and account for how you spend your time, money and energy.  Review your relationships, diet and income.  Write down the details of the aforementioned topics and decide which you can't live without and those that you are willing to put on hold; or dare I say give up?

Pursuing your dreams and goals will require that you make some hard choices, but achieving them in an expeditious manner require that you make some sacrifices!  Depending on your goals:  that 8 hours every Saturday that you spend binge watching Dexter or Psych on Netflix - GONE!  That $10/day Starbucks habit that you've developed - GONE!  Those friends that you've had since college that seem to think that they are still in college ... well maybe not gone, but you need to limit your exposure to them.  Barbecuing, drinking and playing corn-hole every weekend with your college buddies can be switched to once a month.

Why sacrifice? It's likely that if your goal is big enough and worth it then you will need the extra resources to dedicate to achieving your goal.  And if you can't give up $10 of Starbucks a day ($2,640 per year - $10 x 22 work days x 12 months) to pursue your dream of getting a degree or buying equipment to start your own business ... well then you just don't want it bad enough.

Have a great day!

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