Friday, June 20, 2014


I've been bothered by this recently ... and have meant to post/blog about it ... but it's not easy, so I haven't until now.  So, in case you haven't realized it yet ... "Easy is not the same as simple."

Many people will use easy and simple interchangeably ... but they are not always synonyms.  Yes, they can often be used in the same context, but they are more often than not misused.  Many times when people use the word "simple" they're using it as a reason ... but it's really an excuse.  Here are a few examples that I've come across (read "struggled with") in life:
  1. I just can't lose weight/get into shape.  It's not so simple!
  2. I can't seem to save money, I work hard and I am careful how I spend my money ... but I simply can't get ahead!
  3. I don't have the time to do all the things I need to do ... there simply aren't enough hours in the day!
Do any of these complaints/excuses sound familiar?  They should ... we've all used them. =)

The fact is these things are actually very simple to accomplish, they just aren't always easy to do.  There aren't too many steps standing between you and accomplishing any of the three examples, but they do require the following:
  • Clearly defining your goal
  • Budgeting
  • Focus
  • Sacrifice
Those are four very simple bullet points.  And they apply to anything that you want to achieve in life.  But they aren't easy ... they require that you think, make choices and then take action!  Here's a little more explanation on the steps:

  • Defining your goal - if you dream about having something or becoming someone write it down, make it a goal, give yourself a deadline with measurable "checkpoints" along the way.  There are many "gurus" with further detail on how to set and accomplish goals.  Read two or three authors (I recommend Ziglar, Rohn) and you will see some basic steps that they all recommend.
  • Budgeting - whether achieving your goals requires managing your time or your money better, you need to control both.  Create a budget and track how you spend your time or your money; or both!  Once you figure out where each is going and devise a scheme to control it you are halfway to your goal
  • Focus - if your goal is really, really important to you ... you will make it a priority, you will devote to it the resources that are necessary to achieve your goal and you will not be distracted by temptations around you (TV, friends who want to "hang out", laying in bed when you aren't tired, etc)
  • Sacrifice (read focus again) - you are going to have to sacrifice.  If you are trying to lose weight you are going to have to put the twinkies down!  If you are trying to save money you are going to have to say "No!" to unnecessary purchases.  If you are trying to get more done at work or spend more time with your spouse/significant other ... you are going to have to give up something else on your calendar (or get more efficient at the other things)
It may sound like a lot of work ... but nothing is ever really work if you have a worthwhile goal/dream.  And it really can be quite simple. From now on when you think of "easy", insert the word "lazy" ... because isn't that really what many people mean (not you ... other people).  They don't want to put in the work or effort into fulfilling their dreams or goals ... they wish someone would just hand them the "money" (lottery winner?) or the "skinny body" (liposuction) or the give them more "time" (think of all the time saving devices we have - washing machine/dryer, dishwasher, DVR, fast cars).

The temptations are all around us; there are many things that we do because they are easy and/or make us feel good.  They may not be the right things for us, in other words - don't help us fulfill our goals; but they often don't take much effort. 

Do yourself a favor and stop inserting "simple" where you actually mean to use the word "easy"; and if you take it one more step and insert "lazy" instead your life may just change for the better after hearing yourself say that out loud a few times!

Have a great day!

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