- When we turned down the 'candy' aisle. The folks at Fernandes were obviously smart enough to host important stuff like the big block Hershey bars and bulk bags of Reese's peanut butter cups along side boring stuff that Mom needed, such as bread or crackers
- When we strolled down the 'cereal' aisle. There was no reason for store management to split this aisle between cereal and any other items -- we were going down this aisle no matter what! This is where I learned about Count Chocula, Sugar Smacks and Frosted everything!
- The last chance for Mom to appease my pleading was at check out. If my begging and crying hadn't worked on either of my 1st two chances this was my last chance to make the trip worth it. There were plenty of candy bars, Life Savers, Tic Tacs, Mentos, etc. to choose from. As we went through check out I would really have to pour it on. And this was always my best chance to score since there was always at least four more eyes (cashier and bag boy) waiting to see if Mom would concede to my skillful reasoning skills
God Bless You,
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