Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hard Work is OVER-RATED!

You've heard it many times before ... "Keep your nose to the grindstone"; "just work hard"; "hard work pays off"; "give it a 110%" and don't worry ... you'll be noticed! IT'S JUST NOT TRUE!

Hard work is way, way over-rated! There are millions and millions of people across the world working hard ... very hard and where is it getting them? They're "Putting their backs into it" ... whatever their "it" is. And, in most cases ... dare I say nearly all ... the ones who gain the most from the hard work are the pain reliever companies! That's right; the makers of Tylenol and Icy Hot are the ones that gain the most from your hard work and profit from helping you reduce your back ache, stress headache and other ailments!

"No, no Tubby ... that's wrong," you say, "it's 'the man' that gains the most from me breaking my back day in and day out!" Short term 'the man' does gain ... but long term your body; mind and soul are going to wear out. And when they do you actually become a burden to 'the man'. And once you have become a burden to "the man" what does he (or she) need you for? NOTHING! You'll actually start costing him/her money (relatively speaking).

"But Tubby ... 'the man' owes me!" What does 'the man' owe you? You have already been compensated for your hard work. Let's say digging holes is your gig and you were hired at a rate of $20 per hole. If you dig three holes in a day, or a week, or a year ... then 'the man' owes you $60. And that is all 'the man' owes you. If you dig ten holes in the same period of time, then 'the man' owes you $200. If you've met the quality requirements and 'the man' doesn't pay up then you've got something to complain about. Otherwise, you dug holes, you got paid, end of story.

It doesn't matter if you are a hole digger, a maid or a dentist ... your job is probably pretty well defined. You get paid to do that specific job ... do the job, get paid, no complaining.

However, if you "work smarter" and are able to add value and/or accomplish what you are being paid to do without breaking your back ... then guess what? You still get paid! If you get $20 per hole and come up with a better way of digging holes which requires only half the time you still get $20 per hole!

You say "But Tubby ... there's only one way to do my job;" or "I don't know how to work smarter?" Then I say "WELL YOU MUST BE GETTING WHAT YOU DESERVE THEN." If you are happy with the status quo and don't want to look for a way to change or improve your job, your situation, your life ... in other words "improve yourself" then don't complain, be happy and take whatever comes your way.

If, on the other hand, you are not happy with what you have, where you are or who you have become. Then the simple answer is CHANGE! Do not wait for things and circumstances around you to change. And don't lie to yourself and think that if things around you change it will of course be for the better. It is true that when things do change they will be better ... it's just that they'll be better for the guy or girl that caused the change. The ones who chose to improve themselves and their situation. The ones who decided to learn more about digging a better hole and quicker.

You have choices in life. Not making a choice IS making a choice. What's your next choice going to be?

1 comment:

"T" Orlando, FL said...

Thanks for the advice Tubby! This is by far one of your best blog posts yet. FYI I choose to make a choice and change :)
Now get back to work! -- But don't work too hard.
