Monday, April 8, 2019

Step #5 - Monitor and Adjust

You've got to keep your eye on your destination, your dream-goal.  If it looks like the course you're on is not taking you to your destination then you have to be prepared to adjust. 

You can't keep your nose down 24/7.  You have to periodically pause, look up and verify that you are still on course to your dream-goal.  You also need to verify that your destination is still relevant (to you and/or the marketplace).

This doesn't necessarily mean that your plan was wrong or flawed.  There usually isn't a short, straight line from start to finish in life.  There are headwinds and cross-currents that can blow you off course. The economics may change, resources can become scarce, committed parties can back out.

These things happen in life.  If your dream-goal is truly worth it then you will stay focused, you will "tack" and you will you keep your project heading towards success!

Stay focused and make sure that you are still passionate about completing your dream-goal.  This is the "why" that will keep you going!

Have a blessed day!

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