Monday, February 18, 2019

Step #3 - Make your plan

Its obvious to most that you need to make a plan in order to achieve your dream-goal, right? We're use to making plans for many things in life.

You want to go to the beach?  Make a plan!  A plan can be simple:
  • Pack snacks
  • Leave at 7 am
  • Head to "famous" beach
  • Have fun
  • Head home
The above is a simple plan ... it's lacking a lot of detail and I'd say it is more of an outline of a plan than an actual plan.  Especially if the famous beach you want to go to is Waikiki Beach and you don't live on Oahu.  Let's say you live in Seattle ... about 2,700 miles away ... by plane or boat!

Your plan needs to have:
  • Starting point - where are you now?
  • A timeline with detailed steps and a DEADLINE
  • Ending Point - what does success look like?
  • Contingencies - what if step "C" gets messed up?
  • Two budgets - One for time and one for money! 
So the plan to go to a famous beach needs to take more things into consideration:
  • That you are starting in Seattle
  • That you want to leave on a certain date (and return on another date)
  • That your destination is Waikiki (you'll probably need a place to stay)
  • What if there is no place to stay at Waikiki - where else might you stay?  What if you can't afford the cost or the time in going to Oahu - where else could you go?
  • What is your money budget?  You've got to be able to get there and back, right?
  • What is your time budget?  What are you going to do in Waikiki and when are you going to do it?  
The bigger your dream-goal is the better/more detailed your plan needs to have in it!

Have a blessed day!

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