Thursday, March 22, 2018

What's wrong with my attitude and who are all these cowards?

There are many things that I try to protect, some to a better extent than others.  I value, of course, and do my best to protect my: loved ones; pet(s); property; integrity; character and attitude.

Indeed, my loved ones are of the most value to me and I would lay down everything I have to protect them.  Second most important to me is my attitude.  My attitude not only effects me ... but it effects those around me.  Therefore, my attitude should not only be important to me, but also to those around me.

For years now, I have made a conscious effort to maintain a positive and encouraging attitude.  I don't always find the right words to lift up others and I don't wear a smile 24/7 ... yes, I am a work in progress.  I learned long ago that watching the news on T.V. (and now via social media) would NOT lend itself to a healthy, positive attitude.  So I try my best to limit my news intake.

Yes some news does bleed into my life, whether it be on a restaurant or hotel's TV, at one of the businesses that I visit ... or even a passionate post from a Twitter or FaceBook friend.  Unfortunately, it appears that there is an abundance of "leakers" and "anon" (anonymous) sources supplying "facts" to media outlets who (perhaps because of their political leanings) run stories so that they can be first to report.

Please, please, please, regardless of your political leanings, I encourage you to ignore any news that the primary (usually only) source is a "leaker" or "anon".  Or at the very least, take it with the BIGGEST GRAIN OF SALT imaginable.  I question whether any or all of the "leaked" reports are founded in any truth at all?  Is there really an anon source?  Who are these cowards and why do they have so little character or integrity that they won't go on the record?  And is what they are leaking really that important? 

An anonymous source recently informed me of the following:  Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer come out in full support of the National Grape Alliance after they discovered that President  Donald Trump prefers strawberry jam on his morning toast ... scandalous!  Now the grape and strawberry growers will be deeply divided in the next election.   Ridiculous yes, just an example yes, but it really has gotten this bad.

Leakers and Anon sources, take heed and "have the courage of your convictions."  If you have any credibility and your message is important, stand-up and be heard, use your full name, don't hide in the shadows.

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