Saturday, December 30, 2017

2018 is here! And you're not ready!

Oh my ... it's almost 2018 and you're not ready!

No, the new year is not like Christmas, Hanukkah or a dear friend's birthday.  You don't have to buy presents or plan a surprise party.  Although many of us will be partying in the new year and many of us will make resolutions.   There are some of us who will even keep those resolutions through the whole month of January (i.e. gym memberships)!  Others will resolve to do one thing (be kinder, do a good deed, give to a charity, etc.) and we will have until December 31, 2018 to accomplish it.  Yeah us!

Unfortunately, just because you decided where you will be when the ball drops and have even given some thought to what you will resolve to accomplish in 2018 ... you are not really ready for the new year.   Or at least, you are not really ready for a meaningful, purposeful, fulfilling, AWESOME 2018 ... until/unless you have already reviewed 2017.

There are many resources available online that can give you a framework to reflect on 2017 and your accomplishments.  I would like to recommend that you "google" it and find a process/plan/form that you like.  Don't worry if you pick the wrong one at first, every day can be your New Year ... your first day of your next 365.  So you can always try a different process until you find one that works for you!

As for me, (see graphic below) I am going to reflect on 2017 by listing out the positives and negative memories/events of the year, highlighting the more important or critical ones and set goals for 2018.  This should take me less than thirty minutes.

I will later go back and select the top three or four things I want to accomplish in 2018 and develop a plan on how to accomplish each goal, what resources and time commitment is required and then perhaps add more goals to my 2018 plan ... but only if it looks like my time and resources will permit me to accomplish more.

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