Wednesday, February 1, 2017

What doesn't kill you ... makes you stronger(?)

One thing is for sure, what doesn't kill you definitely doesn't kill you.

But whether or not it makes you stronger is up to you.

Not if, but WHEN you are faced with a new challenge, sickness or crisis (assuming it doesn't kill you), who you become after the event is entirely up to you!

You get to choose a perspective that allows you to get stronger, smarter, better ... OR ... you can choose a perspective that you have been weakened, you have been broken, you are less of a man/woman.  Keep in mind, not choosing is a choice to be broken by the event.

So, the choice is yours, will you allow what doesn't kill you to make you stronger?

Take a few minutes and 'Google' examples of people who have persevered or over-come obstacles and challenges -- there are a million examples, you can be one of them!

Have a blessed day!

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