Saturday, September 17, 2016

Where am I and how did I get here?

By this point in your life if you haven't asked yourself "where am I and how did I get here?" ... you probably should!

For most of us, where we are today isn't the result of a conscious decision twenty years ago.  For example, declaring that you "want to be the world's greatest sports writer!"  And then taking methodical steps to achieve your goal.  Truthfully, that would be the ideal situation.  And some people are able to do that.

But let's be real ... most of us don't realize what that one thing, what that one passion is that is burning inside of us.  Most of us have many interests.  It just that either one doesn't stand out or we decide to hedge our bets; we pursue a few, or many interests.  We dilute our passion and eventually what evolves is:
  • A career 
  • A lifestyle choice
  • Poor nutrition - high cholesterol
  • Poor physical health
  • Lacking spirituality
  • Too few zeroes in your bank account
  • (add your own item here) 
And when you ask the question "where am I and how did I get here?"  you need only look in the mirror.  The reason you are who you are ... the reason you are where you are is because of the guy or girl in the mirror.  Still being honest, we would love to blame others (I have), but it is the guy or girl in the mirror who made the choices that got us to this point today.  It's also the guy or girl in the mirror that will make the choices that get you to where you are going to be in twenty years.

If you want to be a different person in five, ten or twenty years it's up to you!  Even if you still aren't sure who or what you want to be, but you know aren't happy with who/what you are today just start heading in the opposite direction.  You can seek the help/guidance/ideas/knowledge along the way that you need to become someone that you aren't today!  There are many resources available to you (some for FREE) so you have no excuse.  Start your quest today!

Good luck and God Bless!

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