Monday, June 13, 2016

You are capable of more than you thought!

About six months ago my girlfriend Lori (now my beautiful wife, Lori Willson Hermenau) dragged me to The Track Shack to buy me some running shoes.  I have no idea why she had it in her head that I would need (or want) running shoes ... but apparently she thought that I did.  Perhaps she saw me as a challenge, as she already knew that I had a predisposition against running.  Don't all women think they can change their man? (I type in jest ... I swear!)

So, I had shared with Lori that I didn't like running, but I enjoy brisk walks and that I wanted to be healthier so that I could enjoy a long life with her and future grandchildren.  From that point Lori developed a plan, whether it was conscious or subconscious she'll never admit, but there was definitely a plan taking form.  We've never discussed it (so this blog entry might surprise her), but in looking back over the last six months she has magically and methodically put a plan into action for me:
  • Step 1: Buy Running Shoes
  • Step 2: Buy Garmin Band to track steps
  • Step 3: Get Warren to commit to a long term goal (Half-Marathon in December 2017)
  • Step 4: Introduce Warren to Jeff Galloway for inspiration and the Run-Walk-Run method
  • Step 5: Sign both of us up for milestone runs along our way to 21K (13.1 miles didn't rhyme)

I am truly grateful to Lori and I know that left to my own will I would still be walking about three or four times a week and just three miles.  Which would be better than nothing, but I wouldn't be growing.  Now, Lori has (consciously this time) discussed a training plan for the half marathon we are doing in December.   Since "Shoe Day", Lori has helped me accomplish several milestones:  we have Run-Walked several 5K's, a 10K on the beach and we Run-Walk on a regular basis.  I have moved from running for 7 seconds and walking for 23 seconds to running and walking for 30 seconds each.  By half marathon day I am sure that I (with Lori's encouragement) will be up to 2 minutes (or more) of running and 30 seconds of walking.

Which brings me to the blog entry title "You are capable of more than you thought!"  I thought (or believed) that I didn't like running, although I never really tried it.  But in hindsight I believe I was more worried about the things that runner's talk about and whether or not I would ever be able to achieve any of those "things"?
          Exaggerated examples:
              "I ran a 2 min pace on my 50 mile run this morning ... 
          I feel great, maybe I'll run another 100 at lunch?"
             "I never eat, all I do is juice and run, sometimes I'll go weeks 
         where I don't even sleep because my 'runner's high' carries me.
         I feel so productive!" 

I can now admit to myself (and to you) that I honestly didn't think that I was capable of "running".  I may have been a little worried about fitting in with other runners, but the truth was I wasn't sure that I could run down the street, let alone around the block!  It was my limiting belief (mental attitude) about my physical capabilities that kept me from running.  Today, it's as much (or more) my limiting belief (mental attitude) as it is my physical ability that is keeping me from running 2 minutes and walking for 30 seconds starting tomorrow!  But I know now that by adding a few seconds to the running portion every run I will conquer my limiting belief.

What dreams or goals have you not pursued because you have a limiting belief?  Why not start like me taking (literally) a few steps in the direction that you want to go in?  As Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."  Believe you can!  What if you are already succeeded, what's next?  Well if you think that you've done all that you can ask yourself ... what if I move my goal 1% higher, or lowered my lap time by 1%, or gave 1% more of my time?  Just because you hit your goal, that doesn't mean that's all you have to give; or all you have to achieve. 

Have a great day!

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