Sunday, September 18, 2011


I have finally realized that I can see the future! And guess what you can too!

Well, it's not so much that I can see the future; it's more like I can 'shape' the future. I have finally convinced myself that while I may not be able to control all things, I can certain control a few things, influence others ... and the rest, well, those I needn't worry about. Knowing this I can predict, even shape my future!

Let’s start from the end, things that you can’t change: the weather, the seasons, how many minutes are in a day. Don’t every try to change these things. You can certainly run from them, but don’t try to change them. You could choose to live in Arizona or Aruba … I hear they get very little rain. Living in the southern parts of Florida reduces the effects of the seasons (ever hear of Frostproof, FL?). And yes, if you move to certain parts of the country it is almost like you’ve stepped back in time.

Influencing the situations and people around you is something that you can do, but in many cases you must handle delicately and responsibly. If a friend asks you to go to lunch you might say “Great, where do you want to go?” Then they suggest something that you hate, like Sushi or BBQ and you end up going back and forth for 20 minutes before you decide to eat at McDonald's. Or you can say yes, but influence the situation without stepping on any toes by saying “Great, why don’t we try that new Thai place on Broadway Ave?”

You can also influence the effect that things have on your life by being fully informed and taking action; or by just having the right perspective. The weather man says that it’s going to rain all day tomorrow and you were planning on having a fun day at the beach with the family. You can maintain the major portion of your plans … the having a fun day part … by switching to going to the movies and eating lunch out; or by renting a movie and having a family picnic indoors. Circumstances that impact your plans don’t necessarily have to ruin your plans, sometimes you just need to be creative.

Finally, there are many things that you have full control over and you should always remember that you have control of these: your attitude & disposition; how you treat others; and how you use the time that God has graced you with here on earth. The attitude that you choose will shape your future and how other people perceive you; as well as, how they respond to you. Control your attitude and you control your future!

There are many people who go through life that have relinquished control of their attitude and how they respond to their circumstances to the people around them. They need to STOP! Victor Frankl said that “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lie our growth and our freedom.” Frankl was a Jewish man who was imprisoned and tortured during WWII by the Germans. If there is anyone who ever knew anything about the power of a positive attitude it was Victor Frankl.

Tubby’s advice: We all have choices to make in life; we have a degree of influence on those around us. We need to take responsibility for ourselves, choose our attitude and affect our World in a positive way. Each of us has been given a limited number of days on God’s green earth, don’t squander them, control your attitude … shape your future!

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