You want to go to the beach? Make a plan! A plan can be simple:
- Pack snacks
- Leave at 7 am
- Head to "famous" beach
- Have fun
- Head home
Your plan needs to have:
- Starting point - where are you now?
- A timeline with detailed steps and a DEADLINE
- Ending Point - what does success look like?
- Contingencies - what if step "C" gets messed up?
- Two budgets - One for time and one for money!
- That you are starting in Seattle
- That you want to leave on a certain date (and return on another date)
- That your destination is Waikiki (you'll probably need a place to stay)
- What if there is no place to stay at Waikiki - where else might you stay? What if you can't afford the cost or the time in going to Oahu - where else could you go?
- What is your money budget? You've got to be able to get there and back, right?
- What is your time budget? What are you going to do in Waikiki and when are you going to do it?
Have a blessed day!