Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Stop doing "it" right now!

I heard a quote on the radio the other day and it moved me.  The credit for the quote was given to Earl Nightingale (in a quick search I couldn't confirm it); I'll paraphrase it hear:

                     What are you willing to NOT do in order to hit your goals?

That is a very interesting concept.  This quote obviously comes from the last century (since Mr. Nightingale died in 1989) and it seems that there was never enough time in the day to do all that someone wished to do!  Our ancestors struggled so much with creating more time (increasing efficiencies ... a day is still just 24 hours) that they created washing machines, dryers, computers, tractors, then bigger tractors, fast cars, then faster cars!  They imagined a day when we would be able to do everything that we wanted to do without having to make sacrifices.

As it turns out, whether you lived in the early days of man or you are living in the next century ... you will always have to make choices when it comes to spending or investing your time.  There will still only be 24 hours in a day!  I use to think that you just had to do more of the right things to make your dreams and goals a reality.  I now realize that you can't just do more ... you have to do less of some things, you have to cut things out of your life to either make room for the activities that will help you achieve your goal.  Or you have to cut some activities out because they are pushing you in the opposite direction of your dreams!

So, what are you willing to give up for your dreams?  What are you willing to NOT do anymore?
  • NOT Watch TV
  • NOT Play video games (not just for kids)
  • NOT spend hours on the computer posting to Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Etc.
  • NOT wake up as late as possible, without being late for your current career
  • NOT spend every weekend with your buddies bar hopping
  • NOT spend every weekend chasing red tag sales at the mall
You may think you have no time to spare.  You may be constantly on the move and perhaps your the time that doesn't stop until your head hits the pillow.  But if you have dreams/goals and your aren't actively working towards them (or your progress is slow) ... then reflect on your life and decide to NOT do stuff!

Have a great day!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Raking Leaves

Yesterday I was outside raking the leaves from my live oak tree in my front yard.  As I was sweating my butt off in the eighty degree March heat of Florida a thought came into my head:

              "I love the shade, but I don't love raking the leaves."

I also don't love pruning the tree, as it is pretty tall, but the branches will hang low from their own weight.  But pruning I must do.  Unfortunately (or fortunately?) that's how life works though.  If you want to enjoy some of the finer things in life (like shade on a hot summer day), then you have to do the things that allow you to be in the position to enjoy those things.

  • Work hard, earn money, go on a nice vacation
  • Work hard, earn money, buy a nice car (or truck)
  • Work hard, earn money, buy a nice home
Yes, I could have not raked leaves and still had the benefit of the shade of my live oak tree when the leaves come back.  But if I don't rake up the leaves, then the grass under the tree will eventually suffocate.  Then what fun will sitting on dirt be under the shade of my oak?  

Besides life is not suppose to work that way!  You are not supposed to get a free ride.  You have to put effort into life in order to reap the rewards/benefits.  Surely you've heard the expression "reap what you sow."  If you don't sow anything ... what is there to reap?  And certainly if you sow corn seed you don't expect to reap oranges ... do you?

As I heard Les Brown say once "If you do what is easy, life will be hard.  But if you do what is hard, life will be easy."  So don't shy away from hard work today ... because tomorrow you can be sitting in the shade!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Kicking the Can Down the Road

You may have noticed that this is an election year!  And you've probably heard some of the typical political rhetoric including a few of the candidates talking about how all of those in office before them have been "kicking the can down the road"  with things such as:
  • Healthcare
  • Social Security
  • Immigration
  • National Debt
  • Budget Reform
  • Tax Reform
Apparently, when you are running for office your number one job is to criticize those in office for all of the things that they are putting off into the future for someone else to be accountable for.  In other words, "kicking the can down the road."

Whenever I hear that phrase I think of Opie Taylor from the Andy Griffith show, walking down a dirt road and kicking a  real, and rusty, tin can as far down the road as he can.  And then when he eventually gets to where the can stopped he, of course, kicks it again.  Sounds really cute and nostalgic, but in real life we are usually putting off something very important that should be handled/started today!

I'm not a politician and I don't play one on T.V.; but I have "kicked the can down the road" many times.  And yes, so have you!  It's okay, admit it.  No one is watching, you are in a safe place, I'm not criticizing you.  The first step is of course admitting it to yourself ... the second step is doing something about it.

Whether it is:

  • Your health/fitness
  • Your relationships
  • Your bank account/retirement
  • Your job status
  • Your spiritual journey

Today is the day you stop kicking the can down the road.  You don't have to handle everything at once.  Just pick one important thing you have been putting off and focus on it.  Make it a priority. You can do it!  You will do it!

As Henry Kissinger is quoted as saying "whatever should happen ultimately, should happen immediately."

Have a great day!