Monday, March 11, 2019

Step #3b - Reiterate your destination

The next question you have to ask yourself is "Am I really heading towards your dream-goal?"  Verify/affirm what your destination is - what your dream-goal looks like when you launch/achieve it -- and review the steps of your plan.

You'll need to take a critical look at your plan and enlist experts to provide feedback (especially people who won't care if they hurt your feelings when they are critical about your "baby").

You'll need to ask yourself the following questions about your plan and timeline:

1) Does it get me to my dream-goal?

2) Is it efficient and effective?

3) Is my timeline realistic?

The answers to both of the above may change as you start to execute your plan.  But knowing what you know now, are the answers to the above yes?

If answer to #1 is no, you need to stop and take a hard look at your plan.  If the answer to #2 is no, ask yourself how much time are you wasting and is it worth revamping the plan.  And, of course, if the answer to #3 is no then you must adjust, but be aggressive.  You can adjust it again as necessary.

And then you are ready for Step #4 - Execute!

Have a blessed day!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Step #3a - Build your timeline

You've got your plan ... FANTASTIC! Now, what is your timeline?  "Huh, timeline?"  Yes, you need a timeline and yes it needs to be part of your plan ... that's why I'm calling this step #3a.

What are your drop dead dates for key milestones and what is your ultimate deadline -- when do you launch/reach your dream-goal?

I mentioned in Step #2 the importance of having someone hold you accountable.  But what is accountability without a timeline?  Answer, annoying!  I can hear your accountability partner right now saying "Are you done yet?" ... "Are you done yet?" ... "Are you done yet?"

Accountability without a timeline is unacceptable.  There might be some dream-goals that wouldn't require a timeline, such as being a good person, a good parent, etc.  Those should be never ending dream-goals. But most dream-goals (personal development, building wealth/reducing debt, launching a business) should have a timeline with milestones and drop-dead dates.  You have to keep yourself focused and there is almost nothing better for focus than a deadline or a drop-dead date!  Plus wouldn't you rather hear your accountability partner say "How is it going on Step 9ii?  Will you be done by March 29th?  Or do you need to adjust your timeline?  How can we get you back on track to meet your deadline?"

Hopefully you see the benefit of milestones with drop-dead dates.  They really will help you throughout your development stage all the way to launch day.  But during the planning and development stages of your dream-goal your timeline might be more guesswork than reality.  You need to press yourself when it comes to your timeline, but you still need to be grounded in reality.  There may be legs of your journey where you are dependent on others (suppliers) for completion and until you have contracted the supplier your timeline may not be realistic.

Of course your goal when sourcing a supplier will be to find one that can meet your timeline - they work for you right?  But let's say you've met with four candidates and three of the four tell you that there is no way for them to meet your deadline, even if you were their only customer.  But the fourth supplier says "no problem" I would heavily scrutinize this candidate and their references, as well as make sure that you have penalties in your contract if they miss the agreed upon deadline.

Once you've contracted your suppliers adjust your timeline accordingly and hold yourself accountable!

Have a blessed day!