Thursday, December 22, 2016

BAH HUMBUG!!! It's that time of year to be selfish!

That's right, I said it "Bah humbug!"  But I don't really mean it like that.  I was just trying to get your attention ... and now that I have it ... let's be selfish together!

It's like this ... you are running around for the last month (maybe week, if you are like me) shopping and stressing over what to get and what to do for everyone else.  What about you?  Is it okay to be selfish this time of year?  YES, of course!

You may want to at least get through Christmas Day, otherwise kids and family will surely think the Grinch stole your Christmas Spirit.  But you do have a whole week of recovery between Christmas and New Year's to reflect upon your 2016.  It doesn't matter whether you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Agnostic, Atheist or Martian ... you still have a whole week to dedicate to yourself and reflect on 2016.  As well as, plan your 2017!

Take a day to look back on 2016 and reflect on all of the things that you did, the places you've gone, the relationships that you've nurtured, your successes, your failures -- you will be overwhelmed!  Capture these things, write them down and appreciate the year that you have had!

Then take several days to plan your 2017!  Several days?  Yes, several days!  You can't just get right up to the ball dropping on New Year's Eve and resolve to "lose ten pounds".  Yes you have to goals and your goals have to have real meaning to you; AND you also need to have a plan!  This stuff takes time you know!  If you just whimsically pick a goal out of thin air because everyone else in your "circle" is picking that same goal then there is a good chance that come January 2nd (3rd or 4th) ... you have already forgotten about your New Year's resolution and so has the rest of your circle.  There you sit, holding a lifetime gym membership in one hand and your smartphone in the other, waiting for the guy on the other end to stop laughing about your cancellation question.

2017 will be your year ... but you have to own it!  That means giving 2017 the time and attention that it deserves.  That means creating your year and not just waiting to see how things unfold.  That means making a list of "day trips" today.  That means making plans for weekend getaways today!  That means planning your summer vacation today! That means registering for those Half-Marathons today! (I threw that one in for my beautiful wife Lori).  Make a list of books to read - one each month? One each week?  Include something by: Jim Rohn, Dave Ramsey, Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Richard Branson, George Orwell, Hemingway?  Make your lists, set your due dates, find someone that you know will hold you accountable.

2017 shouldn't be an accident.  2017 shouldn't just happen to you.  You don't need to "wait and see what unfolds in 2017".  You do need to invest the time and energy that 2017 deserves (that you deserve)  if you want it to be a great year, perhaps even your best year ever!

Create a great plan and you will have a great year!  Trust your plan!  Your plan will get derailed throughout the year, count on it.  There will be work interruptions, kids will get sick, dates and destinations may change ... but when December 2017 comes to a close and you go through this process again you will be saying to yourself "what an awesome year 2017 was!  Now let's make 2018 even better!"

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year's; safe travels and love to all!