Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Compromise is everywhere.

Compromise is everywhere.

Some would say that life is a compromise.  And they would be right  ... some of the time.

Do you have to compromise in relationships, when going out to the movies with family or friends, at work, in negotiating with a client? Yes.

But there is one thing that you should never compromise ... and that is your values.  Your values aren't depicted in what you say ... Your values touch everything you do, how you react in various circumstances, how you persevere through tough times, how you interact with others - including people you don't know.

The trouble for most people is that they don't think about their values (or beliefs).  They (may) have them and it'll be obvious to those around you (through your actions) what your values are.  But don't fool yourself.  If you are not aware of your values or you DON'T act in a way that honors your values ... then you are a lost soul.  You will float through life like the wind blown seeds of a dandelion.  You will be susceptible to the values and beliefs that others push on you.

Know what you believe, know your values (what is 'valuable' to you) and know the impact that your values have on others.  It very well may change your life ... it will certainly change how others see you.

Have an awesome day!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Your Dreams

What do you consider the biggest failing of the education system in the United States?

Is it the lower math and science scores that our high school graduates have when compared to other nations?  Is it the number of children who don't graduate high school?  Is it the number of children who graduate high school ... but with a 9th grade education?

For me it's the lack of dreamers that graduate from high school.   Our school system was developed largely to educate the masses so that when they arrived at the factory door they were able to begin work with limited training.  Schools were never designed to help children learn to dream, to set goals and then to pursue their dreams.  Their intent was to make it easy for the barons of industry to grow their business.  In some ways our schools have evolved; however, I believe in the wrong direction.

Gone at many schools are: typing class, home economics, wood shop, electrical shop and small engines/automotive.  Replaced with higher math, philosophy and higher sciences.  But then what do they do with it?  Do we require kids to take classes that will prep them to become rocket scientists?  And now that NASA has been decimated, how many rocket scientists do we need?

I heard today on the news: Entrepreneurship in the U.S. is at it's lowest point in over 30 years!  And business failures/closures/consolidations is at a high point!  The net effect is fewer available jobs, lower real wages, lower production, increase in the gross import of goods to the U.S. and eventually a further devaluation of the almighty U.S. Dollar!  We've seen it in the news for a few years now that college graduates are moving back home to live in mom & dad's basement and in their luggage is $200,000 of student loan debt.  Apparently, there just aren't as many jobs as there use to be for people with double majors in German Polka and Advanced Basket Weaving.

My theory is that not everyone needs to go to a college or university, more should go to tech/voc schools (research Mike Rowe's position) and that all of our high school students need to be taught how to "dream".  We need more dreamers.  We need more dream followers.  We need more people reaching for the stars!  We need to show people how to dream ... how to turn those dreams into goals ... and how to turn those goals into reality!

Paraphrasing a song I heard this morning (thank you J. Geils Band) ... "and [you] never had dreams so they never came true."    The late great Zig Ziglar said "Don't become a wandering generality, be a meaningful specific."  You can't do this without dreams/goals.  Have a great day!